No interest in featured crystals/bundles

Since the Cull announcement, I stopped using units on the featured crystals/bundles as you dont know what the champion is actually going to end up being for 6 months. I was wondering how many others in the community have as well?
I myself have spent more because I believe more in thier willingness to keep the game as balanced as they can.
Spend or dont spend, that's your choice. They can/will make changes regardless as its their game and they can but dont twist situations around. Look at them for what they are. They havent gone on a nerfing spree and they dont plan to.
On the flipside, when bugs (are they?) or imbalances (are they?) benefit the player base, everything is overhauled. That’s all fine and dandy, but it’s not necessarily a process or practice that I want to invest my hard earned money in anymore. To each his own, of course.
Parry is another one - clearly Parry 2/3 and Parry 3/3 state that they should extend the stun time, yet do not. Easy programming change to fix - VERY... yet nothing for MONTHS.