T2 alpha cap and t4cc class selector

lukakalukaka Member Posts: 79
i am not an end game player by any means and i have 2 already in my overflow and no cosmic t4cc which kabam seems to have flushed that class out of my game for eternity to take corvus to rank 5 . this resource is so valuable and it really hurts when you let them expire just coz you are short on other stuff or dont have champs worth upgrading. and the summoner sigill just makes me remember how much they dont care about f2p players . this is something that should have been implemented for all summoners!
and i can only imagine i am not the only one sho suffers from this. btw i am in an alliance that gets 150million in aq so i get tons of t4cc but yet 4 months have passed and i barely got 3 cosmic in them. so i ask you kabam plz instead of these unit offers for class catalysts make them free where you can choose your class and increase t2alpha inventory. sorry for ranting but it feels bad to see valuable resources go to waste and to have rng that just keeps giving you the classes you dont want


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    Hey Op, you dropped these
    Seriously though you are just gonna have to wait until you pull the class you need. Waiting is a core part of some parts of this game
  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    I know from my old alliance we ALL went through the same thing. We had so many T2 alpha and no champs that we thought were worthy of rank up. Some of us let them expire and others ranked some not so great champs. Now ALL of us are so low on T2 alphas and waaaaaaaaay too many amazing champs to chose from.

    I have almost 500 T4 class shard crystals and 10 full T4 class crystals, with most of them almost full in my inventory.

    I’ll trade you my 500 T4ccs for some T2 😂
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    I had over 2000 t4cc shard crystals lol.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    When I have overflow, I'd rather rank someone up than let it expire. At least that champ helps a little more in arenas. Otherwise, I save all crystals and only open when needed. This helps avoid overflow until I get a worthy, useful champ.
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