Claire Voyant, Magik, or Scarlet Witch to 5/50?

Currently on 5.2.4. Main team is 5/50 unawakened sparky, and 5/50 cap iw, cmm, and nick fury (all duped)
The magik and scarlet witch are both unawakened but I have a generic gem as well as 37 mystic and 40 generic sig stones.
I’ve mainly narrowed it between Claire because of her awesome regeneration and Scarlet Witch that I heard just becomes a monster at high sig.
The magik and scarlet witch are both unawakened but I have a generic gem as well as 37 mystic and 40 generic sig stones.
I’ve mainly narrowed it between Claire because of her awesome regeneration and Scarlet Witch that I heard just becomes a monster at high sig.
Claire Voyant, Magik, or Scarlet Witch to 5/50? 36 votes
SW sucks unduped. Magik is pretty good, but her dupe is very nice and Claire has more versatility imo. Unless you're looking for just a good general clearing champ (if you don't have a Corvus/Ghost/Omega/Domino/Beardo, etc.), I'd go Claire.