We really need a way to sell T4CC

CyporgCyporg Member Posts: 304 ★★
I've got a full stash of T4CC, and over a thousand T4CC shard crystals, map 5 crystals and full T4CC crystals. I rank up champs as often as I am able. I try to use resources instead of the rank up gems, but shard crystals and map crystals are flowing in so fast it's impossible to keep up.

We need a way of selling full T4CC for gold at least, maybe T5CC shards, but I understand if that isn't your strategy yet. Gold at least then. If I opened all my map and shard crystals I'd have dozens, maybe even over a 100 full T4CC in overflow. That just doesn't seem like a balanced game.

Gold is what we need to move these cats through and rank up the champs we have. Please let us sell T4CC for gold.


  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Iirc you used to be able to; for 10k gold ea. Thing is while you may have an abundance it is still very valuable and can be hard to come by and can gimp players who either sell them or have someone sell them for them (the original reason for removing the option to sell).

    But damn 100 t4cc in overflow? For reals?
  • CyporgCyporg Member Posts: 304 ★★
    edited October 2019
    Ok maybe not over 100, but dozens for sure. The issue is that once you start doing variants, you start getting lots of rankup gems. These are great, but they keep you from using up t4cc when ranking up, so all the shard crystals and full t4cc keep piling up. It doesn't make sense to have a resouce that expires but that you are unable to sell to convert to gold. As far as I know only t4cc, t2a and t5b are like this. But lets be honest no one has a problem with t2a or t5b in overflow lol
  • CinadinCinadin Member Posts: 6
    I wish there was an option to downgrade 1 t4cc to 2-3 t4b. Selling isnt the option, conversion is, and would be a perfect black market option.
    Would help quickly balance lower level players to being able to compete on higher tier content. In turn, this would make game/champ balance much easier.
  • CyporgCyporg Member Posts: 304 ★★
    edited October 2019
    That option would be ok, but it certainly wouldn't help lower tier players. I used to dream of having 3 of a certain t4cc, I'd NEVER consider selling one as a lower tier player. T4cc are the key to maxing 4* champs. 4* champs get you through act 4. Now that I'm a mature player at cavalier and have boatloads of t4cc, I supposed I'd consider selling them for 3 t4b, but gold is really what I need, and what most mature players need from what I gather.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Do the 3 for 1 trade with your stash crystals. It kind of sucks but they never expire.
  • CyporgCyporg Member Posts: 304 ★★
    ya I guess that's the only way to recover any material from an expiring t4cc. We should be able to sell them for gold though like virtually all other cats
  • WhiteStrikerWhiteStriker Member Posts: 107
    I understand this pain. in my stash there is 6 science, 6 tech, 4 mutant, 5 mystic t4cc overflowing. But what i really dont have is skill and t2 aphas. Since 3 tech t4cc was expiring, I traded them for 1 non tech t4cc, expecting atleast that way I get skill. But what I all got is science. Its really pain in the ass to keep up to them. Atleast if I think of ranking up some **** champs for arena, I dont have t2 alphas. Kabam need to introduce as many below as possible.

    Trade for any class t4cc to get atleast a desired class t4cc instead of random.
    Trade for t5cc shards
    Trade for t2 alhpha or way that champ doesnot need t2 aplha if we use double t4ccs
    Decrease 1 t2 alpha shared count from 36000 to 10000
    Introduce some daily quest so that t2 aplha can be grinded instead of waitng for montly quests
    Better chances of t2 alpha in AQ map 5 crystals.

    When I traded 3 tech t4cc and got 1 science t4cc, I really felt the way that i am playing this game for some rewards which may be never useful. Which means I am wasting my time by competing monthly quests
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  • HMLewisHMLewis Member Posts: 46
    Totally agree:

    There are a ton of alliances full of accounts that have dozens of both sized glory crystals, thousands of t4cc shard crystals, hundreds of map 5 quest crystals and dozens or hundreds of t4cc crystals AND many have a ton of the trade-in crystals. It's a stupid way to manage things.

    I understand the subscription folks should get more than the free people but this seems like a very basic feature. It creates a false end or bottleneck to the game, which I'm sure Kabam doesn't want.
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