How to plan for synergies

AmytGAmytG Member Posts: 36
Hey guys, I'm Amy, and I was wondering if there were any tips on wat synergies I might have avaliable. for context, I've beaten Acts 1-3 without any use of synergies at all, and am starting to realize that Act 4 isn't as cakewalky as the past 3. For now I've relegated myself to 100%ing Act 3, but I was wondering if you guys see any potential in my champions so far. Whether that be possible synergy opportunities or something else, I thought I'd post my prominent champs here for the community to critique. (btw i'm starting to realize i shoulda blown the 4*awakening gem on scarlet witch and not cap :/)
5 Stars:
Beast (Sig 0) (2/35)

4 Stars:
WW2 Cap (Sig 16) (4/40)
Scarlet Witch (Sig 0) (4/17)
Vulture (Sig 20) (3/30)
Cyclops (Sig 0) (3/30)
War Machine (Sig 0) (3/30)
Spider-Miles (Sig 0) (3/10)
Mordo (Sig 0) (1/10)
Emma Frost (Sig 0) (1/10)
IW Cap (Sig 0) (1/10)
Masacre (Sig 0) (1/10)
Angela (Sig 0) (1/10)
Korg (Sig 0) (1/7)
Gambit (Sig 0) (1/7)
+Doc Oc, Proxima Midnight, Thor, all untouched

3 Stars:
Carnage (Sig 23) (3/30)
Wolverine (Sig 0) (3/30)
Night Thrasher (Sig 9) (3/14)
Thor-Rag (Sig 0) (3/1)
Quake (Sig 0) (3/1)
Moon Knight (Sig 0) (3/1)
Super. Iron Man (Sig 16) (2/20)
Ultron (Sig 8) (2/16)
+ Aegon, Killmonger, IW Iron Man and others, too low to care about.

So, given these champs, is there any hope for me, or am I relegated to idly grinding? If there's something specific I need to grind for, what is it? Is there anything here to help me through Act 4 or just starting to build a proper team at all?


  • AmytGAmytG Member Posts: 36
    Did I post this in the wrong section, or has it simply not picked up enough traction to get a response?
  • ArylAryl Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★
    edited October 2019
    You don't really have any synergies in that list worth noting.

    You're going to want to pay attention to "unique" synergies as they have the best benefits. General synergies are ok but not worth building a team around.

    Some of the most popular synergies are:

    Holy Trinity: Blade, Sparky, GR
    Unholy Trinity: ST, Void, KM
    Fire Trinity: Domino, Masacre, Rulk
    Quantum Trinity: Ant-man, Wasp, Ghost
    Infinity Trinity: Corvus, PM, Nebula

    They are set up as trinities because they can be used in all aspects of the game when attacking.

    When questing, you can mix and match... ie: add OR and Bucky to the Unholy Trinity
  • AmytGAmytG Member Posts: 36
    Aha. Thank you. I've seen most of those trinities being flung around and wondered if I was missing any, but I hadn't heard of the Infinity Trinity yet, so I'll add that to my list. Well, it looks like I'll have to keep collecting before I can continue through Act 4, but I appreciate the response.
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 814 ★★★
    You dont have synergies now in your roster.
    But you can defeat act 4 boss with that roster and think before rank up any champ.
    You have nice champs but they are at r1 or r2 like cap iw,emma,mordo, masacre.
    So rank up them after act 4 or if you can do it now it would be better rank them up.
    New champs are always good to have as maxed out.
  • OneAboveAll13OneAboveAll13 Member Posts: 190
    I would say use your capIW with science synergy, will help you alot , as it places permanent 50% weakness to opponent
  • MityAntMityAnt Member Posts: 152
    Google "Marvel Synergy"
  • Hidden_KnightHidden_Knight Member Posts: 202
    If you could get a hold of a Nick Fury in the future he has great synergies, Plus he is a great character in himself. You can use Quake to get 3 Evade charges at the begging of the fight.
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