Cull Nerf needs buff- Biggest shield in game w/ worst Block Prof

All of these youtubers and videos got cull nerfed showing insane dmg output. What the videos didn’t show you is cull in Act 6.2 or ROL against winter soldier, cap marvel, jugs, or any hard content because he’s complete trash. He has the same ramp dmg you see with aegon and you can build Thing too.
Cull needs two things with this nerf, upgrade his base dmg so he can kill a single fight in 6.2 to even have chance to ramp, or increase his block proficiency.
How does the person with the biggest shield in the game have the worst block proficiency, it makes absolute no sense
Cull needs two things with this nerf, upgrade his base dmg so he can kill a single fight in 6.2 to even have chance to ramp, or increase his block proficiency.
How does the person with the biggest shield in the game have the worst block proficiency, it makes absolute no sense
He has the biggest shield in the game with the worst block prof. Some people are blocking with their forearms and a tenth the size with better block prof. Makes no sense
But with Cull, he was made like this for a reason. Almost no champ is great at one thing (Cull in this case, damage) without atleast a drawback (Culls BP in this case)
I’m not asking for logic, I’m just asking for a hint of common sense.
I’m good with ghost rider not being incenerate immune, but this is just ****.
They coulda at least put him middle of the pack, but WORST?!?!
Cull has not been nerfed yet, we dont know what that nerf will be, and he is still a beyond god tier champion. His block proficiency does not limit him from finishing hard content based on skill.
Yes it does prevent him against harder content even with skill my @$$, you either #1 don’t have him and watched too many YouTube videos on ROL after he’s fully maxed , or #2 have never tried him in 6.2. This “skill” you speak of, I guaranteed you can’t finish 2 fights with him in 6.2.
There is a reason why there are hardly 0 YouTube videos of him with 0-3 charges, because they died, revived, and healed up
Secondly your "firstly" in no way counters my statement, if you are asking for common sense you are asking for logic:
Then he became bugged to where Thanos' favors were counting down while hitting opponents.
Then they fixed that.
Then somehow broke his interaction with his armor break mechanics to where he was putting out 10 times more damage than he was supposed to.
Then they finally fixed him to work as intended.
He's never been nerfed.
Note: Cull is still not immune to bleed, poison, toxin, shock, incinerate, frostbite, coldsnap, degen or other debuffs.