LoL Ultron not eligible for 2016 rank up gem?!

I’m beyond frustrated. I completed variant 3 and got another tech r3–>r4 gem. Frustrating enough I already earned 2 2015 tech gems and already have Starlord ranked up. I get the RNG. It’s just the way it goes. But with the slim pickings of tech champs I have to choose from y’all are really going to be picky about me using it on LoL Ultron?!?! The amount of money and resources I had to spend to get there and y’all are going to tell me that since it “wasn’t a traditional 2016 release” it can’t be used on him?!?! Keep in mind the only other techs y’all released in 2016 were Civil Warrior and Howard the Duck. On top of that it took 3 days to get a response. I get it. I’ve learned that things aren’t always going to go your way in this game. I know this yet I continue on even with disappointment after disappointment. But there are some things that are just plain silly and this is one of them.

Me being able to use it on Classic Ultron isn’t game breaking. I’m not going to suddenly be able to do more difficult content. My defense isn’t going to be ramped up. Honestly it changes nothing. I’m only upset based on the principle of the issue. I’m allowed to used a regular tech rank up gem just not a 2016 one. Brilliant.
I don’t know about you but between a full time job, a little kissy kissy from the girlfriend, AQ, AW, Monthly Quests, special quests, variants, etc who in the heck has time to dig through forums for every concern. I know my addition may be a little bit of a redundancy but golly gee it’s pertinent. And if it has been said before it should be said again. To not include LoL Ultron is just obtuse but honestly it’s not surprising. Par for the course. Just how they do business.