Nick Fury Synergy Broke

So far, every event I’ve tested, the Nick Fury attack bonus (10% or 20%) synergy is not working. I’ve tested in LOL, ROL, and monthly quest. I submitted a ticket but thought everyone should know.
Note the text in blue that clearly states 'All Hero Champions'...
Winter Soldier is tagged a Mercenary. Not a hero. Some Mercs are also Heroes i.e. Domino. I utilize Fury for the attack boost with my general questing squad consisting of CAIW, Domino, Rulk, Masacre, and (obviously) Fury. CAIW and Domino recieve the attack bonus, Rulk and Masacre do not being a Villian and Mercenary respectively.
There's little details often overlooked. In this case, you overlooked the fact it only applies to 'Hero' Champions. Also, as previously mentioned, you will not see the attack bonus added to the 'attack rating in the 'Pre-fight' screen. HOWEVER, your Champion Pi DOES in fact increase when adding Nick Fury to your team, provided they are tagged a #Hero. For example...
Also as you can see below, Domino is tagged #Hero, as well as #Mercenary. As long as they have the Hero tag, the rest is irrelevant. Without the Hero tag, the synergy will not apply. Small oversight. Try it with champs tagged Hero and you should see the difference. Hope this helped clarify how the synergy works.
APPARENTLY, despite the synergy stating Hero, it does impact Villains and Mercenaries Pi. Which makes little sense, but alas, my oversight. If anything, that aspect is bugged. Fact remains, the synergy does increase attack for Heroes as stated by the aforementioned numbers shown by @Hellow . I also did my own attack tests and here's my results.
I just utilized 5* R4 Blade for the initial #Hero test and his bleed ticks when parrying, AND attacks do change per the synergy boost.
Baseline - 170
+10% - 185
+20% - 199
Baseline - 452 Light, 705 Medium, 1,350 light crit, 2,105 Medium Crit
+10% - 491 Light, 766 Medium, 1,466 Light Crit, 2,287 Medium Crit
+20% - 530 Light, 827 Medium, 1,583 Light Crit, 2470 Medium Crit
Tried 5* R3 Rulk to see if #Villains gain the attack Boost and his attack numbers remained identical between Baseline, +10% (Nick Alive), +20% (Nick Dead). No Heat Charges 394 opening medium, 253 light, and 680 crit. So no changes for attack.
Used a 4* R4 Masacre to test for #Mercenary and his Incinerate damage remained at 69 per tick. Average light crit was 603, basic light 203, opening Medium 316 all remained the same with Nick, with Nick dead, and without.
So while I made a mistake on noting Pi change, the fact remains, this synergy is for #Hero champs. Why the Pi increase occurs for all champs is a possible bug, or an oversight by Kabam. However, when it comes to the fight itself, the synergy does work for Heroes. Check your champ's tags before utilizing.
All Hero Champions except Nick: +10% Attack Rating. +20% if Nick is Dead.
All Champions except Nick: If Nick is alive, once per fight when a teammate is inflicted with a Bleed, Poison or Shock Debuff he will drop a Restoration Kit, Purifying the Debuff and Regenerating 10% of their max health over 3 seconds.)
All Champions except Nick: If Nick is alive, when the fight starts he grants his teammates a Buff doubling their Critical Rating for 10 seconds.
All Champions except Nick: If Nick is alive, the first 3 unblocked hits from the Opponent have 100% chance to be Evaded.
All Champions except Nick: If Nick is alive, once per fight when a teammate is inflicted with an effect that would reduce or block their Power Bar he will drop a Power Kit, removing the effect and granting 1 bar of Power over 10 seconds.
All Champions: If Nick is alive, all Fury Buffs have 20% increased duration, including his own.
All Champions except Nick: If Nick is alive, once per fight when a teammate is inflicted with any Cold Snap, Frost Bite or Incinerate effect he will drop an Extreme Conditions Kit, granting Debuff Immunity for 10 seconds.
as you can see, all synergies start with the phrase "Tutti gli Eroi escluso Nick", that translated becomes "All Heroes except Nick"...