Act 4....eventually Act 5

Curious, I'm working on finishing Act 4. I've nearly 100% exploration of Chapter 3 of Act 4, but was wondering is there any of my 5* that I should work on upgrading for the rest of Act 4 and of course into Act 5 and beyond? Feel free to leave comment replying directly to me.
Thank you in advance!
About to say the same thing
But anyway, not so much a tip in who to upgrade as more a tip on skill: if you haven’t already: learn to evade the sp1 from Maestro, especially the 3rd beam.
Parry and heavy him with her to Slow the Collector and prevent him from becoming unstoppable.
And on his special, don’t block. SG has a 550% chance to evade Unblockable special attacks, so even the AAR will take a while to reduce it