Making aw placement easy

Our alliance has a placement rule where the leader/officers post the screenshot of defence placement of every alliance member. Would like to see a system while placing defence that we can select a desired tile we want to place our champs on. That'll make placing champs on the desired tiles alot easier.
(ok, now the joking part...)
I like a better idea where Leader could just dig into every members roster and pull whichever 5 heroes he wants you to use, and pick your Defense team for you, and then place them where he wants to. You could just sit back and relax (or maybe not even have to login during Defense day). 😀
What happens if you want to use an otherwise “pre-determined” defender of yours for some offensive Quest some day instead (like these Alternate Reality day’s, especially Villain days, where your pool of available choices is much more restrictive).
Finding the particular tiles to place champs sometimes is really tiresome so if there was a numerical set of tiles(not randomly as aw map but arranged number-wise) would help placing defence directly and easily instead of searching for a particular tile.