Is 5* Domino worth it?

doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,937 ★★★★
Never used her before as I've only had 3* of her but I just got 5* of her.
Is she worth a generic AG?

I tried reading about her profile but it sounds confusing, with all the good and bad luck. Is she good with all enemies or with only certain types?

I feel like I should be ecstatic that I have her. Is she good for Act 6 and Variant?

Thnx all.


  • Blaker78Blaker78 Member Posts: 133
    shes great with Red Hulk and Massacre. I used her at r4 to clear most of Variant 2. Her incinerate damage is insane.
  • Jridenhour_3Jridenhour_3 Member Posts: 349 ★★
    I have a duped 5* domino and she gets me thru all kinds of content. The dupe helps with opponents abilities and give u autodamage. Say juggs or even the champion wont get there unstoppable as much bc of crit failure along with other champs abilities. Bleeds I've had up to 8k during regular quests. Dnt run suicides or anything special for masteries. She helped me get thru act 6. Had to use a few revives but she got me thru CB. Has 50% to turn bleeds into powergain.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    She is not worth a generic AG, no way no how. All it does is add dmage whenever someone fails to trigger an event. Most of the time you dont even register the damage because it gets less with eact consecutive amount. It can be a lot, but you do not need her. What we use her for, as @Blaker78 said her trinity, or even her massive damage and bleeds can be gained without awaken.. you should save the gem for a champ like OR, or namor, who really need to be awakened to unlock thier true potential...

    that being said you should really be ecstatic to have her, she is good for pretty much everything, except dot nodes.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    I have a duped 5* domino and she gets me thru all kinds of content. The dupe helps with opponents abilities and give u autodamage. Say juggs or even the champion wont get there unstoppable as much bc of crit failure along with other champs abilities. Bleeds I've had up to 8k during regular quests. Dnt run suicides or anything special for masteries. She helped me get thru act 6. Had to use a few revives but she got me thru CB. Has 50% to turn bleeds into powergain.

    crit failure does not prevent juggs or any other abilities from triggering, it just adds a damage component when it does fail. This is a common misconception. Her AAR is baked into her basic abilities and you get the increase from lucky.
  • Blaker78Blaker78 Member Posts: 133
    yes she definitely doesnt need to be awakened for her offensive abilities.
  • EarthEliteEarthElite Member Posts: 879 ★★★
    edited October 2019
    No she isnt, Venompool is way better for it 🙄 (wow I'm running our of meme tier champs to make fun of, kabam is buffing them all)
  • gforcefangforcefan Member Posts: 408 ★★★
    As everyone else said, rank her as high as you can, but don't use a generic AG on her.
  • Jridenhour_3Jridenhour_3 Member Posts: 349 ★★
    Lormif said:

    I have a duped 5* domino and she gets me thru all kinds of content. The dupe helps with opponents abilities and give u autodamage. Say juggs or even the champion wont get there unstoppable as much bc of crit failure along with other champs abilities. Bleeds I've had up to 8k during regular quests. Dnt run suicides or anything special for masteries. She helped me get thru act 6. Had to use a few revives but she got me thru CB. Has 50% to turn bleeds into powergain.

    crit failure does not prevent juggs or any other abilities from triggering, it just adds a damage component when it does fail. This is a common misconception. Her AAR is baked into her basic abilities and you get the increase from lucky.
    That's what I've seen before but isnt juggs suppose to get unstoppable after every special. When I fight him with other champs he does. When I fight him with domino half the time he doesnt get his unstoppable. So that's why I made my statement. Along with other buffs. Such as regen buffs on nodes. Other champs the regen always works. With domino theres times it doenst.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Don’t give her the gem. Save it for someone who actually needs it. She is def not worth a generic. She is phenomenal unduped (I have mine unduped 4/55)
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  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    She’s an amazing champ and is worth ranking up, but do NOT use that generic gem, she gets maybe 2% extra attack from it, her dog is near useless for offence and don’t use a generic gem to make a champ a better defender
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    I have a duped 5* domino and she gets me thru all kinds of content. The dupe helps with opponents abilities and give u autodamage. Say juggs or even the champion wont get there unstoppable as much bc of crit failure along with other champs abilities. Bleeds I've had up to 8k during regular quests. Dnt run suicides or anything special for masteries. She helped me get thru act 6. Had to use a few revives but she got me thru CB. Has 50% to turn bleeds into powergain.

    crit failure does not prevent juggs or any other abilities from triggering, it just adds a damage component when it does fail. This is a common misconception. Her AAR is baked into her basic abilities and you get the increase from lucky.
    That's what I've seen before but isnt juggs suppose to get unstoppable after every special. When I fight him with other champs he does. When I fight him with domino half the time he doesnt get his unstoppable. So that's why I made my statement. Along with other buffs. Such as regen buffs on nodes. Other champs the regen always works. With domino theres times it doenst.
    The issue is that happens if she is awakened or not, crit failure has nothing to do with it, it just makes it so when it happens jugs takes damage.

    Signature Ability: Critical Failure

    Opponents take 753 Energy Damage over 1.5 second(s) whenever their abilities have a chance to trigger but don’t. Potency decreases temporarily for consecutive triggers.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I used a mutant gem on her because I had mutant stones and wanted the prestige. Wish I had saved the stones for Havok though lol. She really doesn't need it.
  • WardenZeroWardenZero Member Posts: 722 ★★★
    Don’t use the gem on her. She just doesn’t need it.
    As for your main question, I would argue that she’s one of the best champs in the game. She’s my top champ right now, and she clears an absurd amount of content. She’s completely amazing.

    Use her.
    You won’t regret it.

    Warden out ~
  • WeeHobbit89WeeHobbit89 Member Posts: 146
    Domino rank 5 was my key to becoming elders bane and cavalier. Good for clearing through lines, not so good against robots but will still take one out.
    This may not be correct but when I awakened her, she seemed to be able to inflict critical bleeds easier but that could be my love for her blinding me
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    As much as I LOVE my R5 5* duped Domino, I certainly wouldn't recommend using a gem. Chances are, if you did use it, you'd end up duping her shortly thereafter cuz that's just how it works, lol. But seriously, it's not necessary. Just the icing on her very delicious cake. I took my Domino to R5 before I duped her. She's worth the rank job all day, a Generic 5* AG... not so much.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Basically all you need to know about Domino

    She is very very random. You can have insane fights to respectable fights. The key is understanding lucky and unlucky. But before that, always be aware that she reduces enemy ability accuracy automatically, so you can get some lucky breaks. Also she gets a random amount of damage from her hits, and if it maxes crit damage and attack boost, it will give you a lengthy stun, which is another lucky break. One final lucky break you can get is her ~50% chance to shrug off bleeds and gain 10% of a bar of power (great for MS matchups)

    Okay so Lucky and Unlucky. They do a bunch but there are three things to actually consider: Evasion, Ability Accuracy, and effects on special attacks. I’ll break it down

    Evasion: the simplest of them: Lucky, you get a 10% chance to evade which can help but also screw you over, so be mindful when parrying. Unlucky, the opponent cannot evade. Simple as that.

    Ability Accuracy: Unlucky, the opponent loses some, including -100% on dexterity, so thats alright for AW. Lucky, you gain ability accuracy. That means you will be more likely to bleed on special attacks, get perfect stuns, all that jazz.

    Effects on Specials:
    L1 Unlucky: it will refresh bleeds on each hit
    L1 Lucky: nothing special
    L2 Unlucky: Taunts the opponent for as long as UL is up, honestly it has never helped me.
    L2 Lucky: much higher chance to Critical Bleed and a great finisher to fights (or for shortish fights)
    L3 Unlucky: I don’t remember, but it’s not that great
    L3 Lucky: this is what you want. Damage will increase for each crit you have landed in this fight, and have a solid chance for a critical bleed, which absolutely melts the opponent.

    So the strat, all of her specials are pretty aight, but the ideal strategy is to
    1. Get lucky with 3 bars
    a. The opponents power should be pretty low.
    2. Either parry or luck into a perfect stun
    3. Immediately trigger L3
    4. Pray for a crit bleed
    5. Build power really fast
    6. Get to an L1 and pray for unlucky
    7. Refresh the critical bleed
    8. Go back to 6

    This will put up some crazy numbers.

    Also synergies. The flame trinity as I’m sure you are aware is the massacre and red hulk with Dom. Mass gives +1 second on ALL debuffs (integral to ideal damage avenue) and RH gives you a fat incinerate on heavy.
    If I have to pick one of the two, I would go massacre because he can give you

    1. The ability to do the L3 crit bleed thing
    2. Longer parry for MLMLLLMM combos
    3. Counters stunnable evaders as you can get a MLLLM combo off while the opp is stunned.
    4. More damage from bleeds and such

    But with both partners, you can do the best way to get damage outside of specials. Parry, medium heavy, and it will do +250% damage as compared to a non-stunned heavy (That’s a lot of damage -Phil Swift) aside from the rare DoT where there isn’t a whole lot of immunity, it can also be just two hits for a ton of damage. So take Thing. You don’t want to hit him a lot. Well congrats, you can do a ton of damage and only give him 2 rock charges, and that’s assuming your AAR didn’t prevent one or both of those.

    I do believe that’s everything. She is sort of complicated, but understanding her when stuff falls into place is so satisfying I can’t even.
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    Couldn't have said it better @Hammerbro_64
    Get her up to 5/65 and she is awesome, test her out with her synergies against ROL Winter Solider.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Also forgot a very nice benefit: she is a hard counter to Medusa. Her medium is a physical then projectile 2hit, and remembering projectiles can’t be stunned...Medusa becomes a nonissue when you have Domino.
  • ErocksErocks Member Posts: 294 ★★
    She is definitely worth it. She is OP and great for AW and AQ and général questing.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Nobody mentioned use the ag if you want her on defense, she’s a decent boss if high sig as she just melts people with degen, but being a generic I wouldn’t
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Rank up yes gem no
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