6.2 champion advice

So, when 6.2 first came out, I tried the champion, yet couldn’t figure out the last part with the indestructible charges...
Roster has grown a little since then so I figured try again
Any advice on who to bring in for this fight?
Generally speaking though, you'll need someone with high health and block proficiency.
He's a real PIA no matter what though, so I wish you the best of luck!
I don’t have red hulk, so this is just asking: wouldn’t his physical resistance be usefull for the final phase, in terms of taking block damage? Since that’s the phase where op struggled with the most during his 1st attempt.
This seriously is the most ridiculous thing.
Unstoppable isn’t the problem. It’s the charges at the end.
For as long as Sunspot’s Opponent is Incinerated, Well-Timed blocks grant 100% Perfect Block chance for the duration of his Opponents Combo or Special Attack.