does it seem summoner sigil featured 5* is rigged?

ok ive been opening these featured 5* 11k crystals since they came out (ive opened as many as the game has allowed me to open. ive never once got a featured champion from one. does anyone else have this issue. i believe ive opened about 10. im not sure let me know if youve had luck they seem rigged to me
I assume before this you never bought the featured for 15k.
2) Maybe you mean newly released champions. If so that’s 6/24 or a 25% chance. Sorry your luck is poor but people have seen worse outcomes facing similar odds.
3) It’s the same crystal you pay 15000 shards for it’s not a special crystal.
4) If you wish to have a better understanding read about cognitive biases. Here’s a sort of cheat sheet provided by; #6 the Clustering Illusion is most relevant but others are likely in play as well.
So I think it's just a case of RNG.
I got Mysterio, there's a fair few champs in that feature crystal that I don't already have so it's a good opportunity to get them without all the chaff in the normal 5* crystal for only an extra 1k shards
Non sigil
Iron patriot
Stealth spiderman x2
Iron fist
Daredevil netflix
Claire voyant
My 3 sigil pulls have all been desirable champs and Claire was the one I was after!
So next one i decided to get a basic one instead.
Guess who i pulled?
Thats right: Iron Fist again....
"Oh my god i got blade!"