Getting uncollected(before the calender change)

Help with the collector plz. I have posted below my roster, and how many units should i go in with,(i don't have any team revives saved up or big boosts).I am planning to have around 1000 units
I think if you go in with that team, and you play smart, you should be okay. Also, remember that boosts cost less than revives. If you're unsure of yourself, go in boosted up to your eyeballs. The faster you deal damage, the less revives you'll ultimately need.
Part of the reason for going in that order is to take advantage of Bane. Bane deals more damage to the Collector when you have more health, so as the fight gets harder, you want to be using your higher health champs. That way you'll be dealing more damage from Bane towards the end of the fight.
In fact, it is important to note that Bane can be your best weapon against the Collector because all you have to do is tag him to transfer it, and then it deals unavoidable damage constantly to the Collector. Focus on doing good transfers, then deal as much damage as possible after it transfers, then slow down when the Bane "clock" reaches about seven or eight o'clock so you can start getting ready for the next transfer. Unless you're a twitch reflex god you'll probably not one-shot him, but if you don't panic and just try to deal as much damage as possible while you're alive, you can reduce the number of revives to a manageable level.
Also, because of Bane I would recommend only reviving Magik or Venom (which ever one you seem to be more successful with) and healing them to full or near full. Do not use the normal tactic of just reviving and trying to see if you can finish him off before you die that people often do in other content. When it comes to the Collector fight, you want maximum "free" damage from Bane.
If you have problems with Bane on the path to the Collector and are spending just to overcome Bane, I would recommend not attempting the Collector and backing out and trying again. Take the Collector when you're comfortable with Bane transfers. You don't need Bane getting cheap kills on you while you're fighting the Collector: that just gets expensive.
The Collector is the MCOC Boogeyman. Everyone hears horror stories about him, and one-shots on him are still rare. But especially these days with rank 4 and rank 5 champs he's not as scary to fight if you take some time to research how his phases work and you know how to deal with Bane.