Is Venom worthy of a R4-R5 cosmic gem?

I’ll post a photo of my cosmic roster below. I have Hyperion and Corvus at rank 5 and am happy with both. (My only rank 5 5-stars, btw). I recently explored variant 2 and got a 4-5 rank up get for the cosmic class. I also received a five star cosmic awakening gem from variant 2 and from the summoner calendar.

Of all the champs I currently have Venom seems the most rank 5 worthy. But is he really good enough, or should I wait until I roll a Medusa or Captain Marvel Movie since I have 2 awakening gems stored away?

Any advice is appreciated. I worked so hard to explore variant I don’t want to waste the gem, but it would be nice to use as well

Is Venom worthy of a R4-R5 cosmic gem? 68 votes

Use on Venom
DL864Siliyoarni2Tortoigheruheru511TerraWhiteManRotellyЗАКСОЛИНExHavokNojokejaymiDazzaaaOsfan8soumaNiteAndDaeMilesHolmwoodMorgothMelkorScarlett_DankestChefChampioncritic 54 votes
Use on another champ already in your roster
cookiedealerLordGenesis 2 votes
Save until you get a truly beyond god tier champ
thetaman23TendersquadBpn88855SKY0303Pool5555Saransh245-sixate-EtjamaFabriciusXboxPhantom00TP33DevilMayCry 12 votes


  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
    Save until you get a truly beyond god tier champ
    Really it depends what sorry of content you want to do, but cosmic is a class with lots of potential, don’t waste resources in a hurry
  • SprossTheBossSprossTheBoss Member Posts: 80
    Use on Venom
    IMHO he's worth it. He was one of my first duped 5*s shortly after his buff and he ultimately became my first R5. I've never once regretted that decision. He's got strength, some utility, and respectable sustainability through his sp1 against buffed opponents. I still use him in questing just as much as my 6* R2 Corvus depending on the specific counters needed
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Use on Venom
    Unless CM or Medusa suddenly drops down, Venom is your best bet. I get the advice of @TP33 but you can't really mess up with Venom. He demolishes pretty much everything and has great utility and sustainability.
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Save until you get a truly beyond god tier champ
    I would save for Movie Marvel
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Movie marvel would probably be the only no brainers over him for you. Venom is a great champ. If you have uses for him its definitely not a waste but waiting for marvel isnt a terrible idea either. Really just personal opinion at this point
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    Use on Venom
    Id say he's worth it. Can't really say more since @SprossTheBoss and @Colonaut123 covered most of the stuff.
    @Worknprogress is right aswell on this.
    Personally I'd say wait untill next 5* crystal. If it isn't Capt.Sparklez then you can do Venom without looking back.
  • Saransh245Saransh245 Member Posts: 152
    Save until you get a truly beyond god tier champ
    Venom is absolutely worth it. But u can also save for captain marvel movie version. She's phenomenal.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Use on Venom
    I would wait maybe a crystal or two to see if you get lucky with cmm
    If you do then take her
    Otherwise, go with venom. Everyone above covered him very well
  • issamaf80issamaf80 Member Posts: 1,472 ★★★
    wait for silver surfer
  • arni2arni2 Member Posts: 362 ★★
    Use on Venom
    Venom is an underrated god-tier champion. Amazing for AW and questing.
    here are a couple examples:
  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Use on Venom
    I might get killed for saying this but unless you already have Nick Fury ranked up or are will to do so, I don't think Captain Marvel movie is worth it over Venom with the champs you already have at R5. Don't get me wrong she's amazing without that synergy but she doesn't feel complete without it. Which is fine because he's awesome too but it's a lot of resources. I have her at R5 and if I get another R5 cosmic it's going to Venom because he's deserving of it. Great utility, damage and just fun to use. I use him all the time at R4.
    I realize you don't have her but she's the only one worth holding out for if you were thinking about it, not worth it imo. Good luck.
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