Why are they green?
Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★
Anyone know?
FYI, format/coding is in [RRGGBB] Red/Green/Blue in Hex format from 00 to FF for each color (or combination of colors).
FYI-2, if trying to use Red, a standard Red-only code turns out too hard to read, so I’ve used an alternative custom code for a nicer Red color.
Below are custom ones I used a long time ago...
Red [ff3333]
Green [11bb11]
Purple [aa44ff]
Yellow [dddd00]
Cyan [00dddd]
Med.Blue [2899ff]
Orange [ee6600]
Pink'ish [ff88cc]
And of course Basic White is [7f7f7f] and Bright White is full [ffffff]