[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



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  • juand1313juand1313 Member Posts: 14
    In-Game Name: juand1313
    Device and Model: iPhone 11 Pro Max
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 29.0
    Game Mode: Arena, Alliance Quest
    Description of the Issue: Game crashes costing me arena points, but has never happened in AQ until now, costing me half health of champion and saying that I’m sick of this is putting mildly. Fix this already we’re going with two months with this issue!
  • JaballyJabally Member Posts: 61
    iPhone 7, most recent version of game and IOS. Crashes every 20-30 minutes or so. I am no expert on mobile video games but I would work on making the game playable before adding all of this content.
  • edited November 2020
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  • Kuzuri_1832Kuzuri_1832 Member Posts: 208
    New update, same issues. Excellent customer service @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra @RichTheMan

    I submit tickets for this issue and am told you are aware of it as many others are reporting the same issue, then my ticket gets closed. I'm told to report it on the forums, where you ignore us. With your big pay day around the corner, you should probably fix this issue sooner rather than later.

  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    edited November 2020
    In-Game Name: solmyrair
    Device and Model: iPhone 7S
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Cellular + WiFi
    Game Version Installed: Current
    Game Mode: Game won't strt
    Description of the Issue: Can’t start the game, logging in/spinning, shows no internet connection
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  • rp91rp91 Member Posts: 57
    iPhone 6s
    Latest OS
    Arena won’t do more then 3-4 match ups and sometimes game crashes after an quest fight
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    In-Game Name: solmyrair
    Device and Model: iPhone 7S
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Cellular
    Game Version Installed: Current
    Game Mode: Game won't strt
    Description of the Issue: Can’t start the game, logging in/spinning, shows no internet connection. Cellular data unlimited (all other apps are working). Can log in ONLY through WiFi.
  • JamesFilaJamesFila Member Posts: 6
    In-Game Name: KoolBreeze99
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: Latest update.
    Cellular or WiFi: This happens on both. Cellular data is through U-call/ Digicel (Tonga 🇹🇴)
    Game Version Installed: Current version
    Game Mode: AQ, AW, Act 5, Arena
    Description of the Issue: I can’t log in to the game but I have got great internet connection. It happened for 3 days to now!
  • AP3AP3 Member Posts: 5
    Thecurler said:

    iPhone 12

    Just got the iPhone 12 yesterday and the gameplay on it is absolutely horrendous! Touches are all over the place. Block fails more than half the time. I either end up getting hit or my champion dashes forward and I end up getting hit. If I parry and stun add try to do a heavy, my champion ends up dashing backwards. Anyone else with an iPhone 12 and having somewhat similar issues? I had absolutely no issues playing this game on my XS Max.

    I'm quite sure this has something to do with the higher dpi on the 12 series.

    Yeah getting dropped inputs on parry.

    Loads of random dashes too, probably wasn’t clear enough in my previous post. Tap input recognised as side swipe equals champ dashing in /out unintentionally.
    Trying to be extremely deliberate with screen taps has helped but it’s far from ideal.
    Same issue here. Playing on my iPhone 12 and input is all wonky. Random charges, dashes, evades and charging heavies. It’s getting me murdered randomly in AQ and AW.
  • Katinho_04Katinho_04 Member Posts: 11
    Device and Version: Iphone 12 pro and Ipad air 3rd gen
    Device Operating System: IOS 14.2
    Mobile Carrier: T-Mobile both devices
    Cellular or WiFi: Cellular data
    Game Version Installed: 29
    Description of the Issue: Since Monday I can’t log in and I thought it was the 5g connection but it also happens to 4g LTE. Other apps works fine with mobile data it’s just the game connection problems. No problems with Wifi.
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    iPad Air 2
    iOS 14.2
    Game 29.0
    Don’t know if this shutting down in arena or event are still looked upon as a failure or if it’s now becoming a feature? After so much reports and feedback you should be able to recognize and acknowledge the problem instead of sweeping it under the rug.

    Still happening after the last maintenance if you’re curious.
  • Jean_Lou77Jean_Lou77 Member Posts: 23
    Hi @Kabam Miike after all these server maintenance and the game still freezes when I push the green help button when I am playing arenas.
  • Smoothz88Smoothz88 Member Posts: 6
    Game Lags and crashes while doing arena every 15-30mins 1 time.
    the phone also heats up alot while charging and playing arenas
    phones used
    iphone 8
    iphone 8 plus
    iphone 11 pro max

    latest iSO
    latest game version after recent maintenance
  • TriguyTriguy Member Posts: 61
    This game is getting unplayable. constant delays in logging in preventing us from actually playing at all or playing timed content in time. I couldn't log in for 15 minutes this afternoon to move/place AW defenders, finally got in 1 minute after AW attack phase started. of course. Constantly starting fights only for it to take forever to load. When doing this during AQ, it takes so long to load the 1 minute timer apparently expires and kicks you out of the fight before it ever even loads, causing the game to treat it as a time out and you lose half of your champion's health. its ridiculous. things are not getting better.
  • Icydog101Icydog101 Member Posts: 9
    In game name- IcyDog101
    Device- IphoneXS
    Device Operating System- IOS14.2
    Celular of Wifi- this occurs on both
    Game Version- The newest version
    Game Mode- my game will not even start it will get to the immortal abomination loading screen and just show the wifi sign. I know it is not my fault on wifi or cellular bc this does it everywhere I go not just at my home and this started about 2 days ago.
    Description of the Issue- I basically just gave it above
  • AP3AP3 Member Posts: 5
    Mobile Carrier: ATT
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: most recent
    Game Mode: all event modes
    Champions Affected: all champs
    Active Boosts: no
    Description of the Issue: iPhone 12 controls are terrible. Random charges, heavies, dodges, blocks no matter what I try to do. Getting me killed constantly in what are normally easy fights. Please look into the iPhone 12 controls, this is going to continue to be an issue.
  • SuperballieSuperballie Member Posts: 35
    Kabam! Please fix the constant crashing. The game is so bad now. It crashes about once every five minutes with me now. It used to be about once an hour. Never mind the rest of the issues like lag, missed inputs, lost health etc.
  • PsychoakumaPsychoakuma Member Posts: 566 ★★
    in game name: PsychoAkuma
    iPhone 12 Pro Max
    device operating system: iOS 14.2
    cellular and wifi issues
    game version: latest

    Game mode: any, including war attack, aq and questing: dash backs not working all the time, touches are mis-interpreted by the game and so blocks/dash backs etc aren't working.
  • Vas7hVas7h Member Posts: 28
    In Game name: Vas7h
    iPhone 11 pro
    Device os: iOS 14.1
    Game version: latest
    Cellular or Wi-fi: both

    The game is almost unplayable; it has at least 1 big lag at the beginning of every fight. Then occasional lags according to the champions that are fighting, especially those with many graphic effects like Sunspot, Immortal Abomination, Ghost (when phasing) but also Red Goblin, Symbiote Supreme etc..
    Random dash in and dropped input for parries, dex and special attacks activation.
    I only play arenas, e.q., side quests and story mode.
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  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,952 ★★★★★
    In game name: Will3808
    Device: iOS 13.7
    Game version: 29.0.0
    Both cellular and WiFi

    Insane game lag and dropped inputs in aw. I had a fight that game blocked instead of dashing backwards or forwards, timing for everything was way off, I’d throw heavies mid combo without wanting to, and sometimes inputs would just completely drop. I’ve noticed other slight game lag and the game has kicked me out of the app after entering fights sometimes but the issues are mainly in aw.
  • Capt_MegasauceCapt_Megasauce Member Posts: 141
    edited November 2020
    in game name: S!lver Fox
    iPhone 12 Pro
    device operating system: iOS 14.2
    cellular and wifi issues
    game version: latest

    Game mode: any, including war attack, aq and questing: dash backs not working all the time, touches are mis-interpreted by the game and so blocks/dash backs etc aren't working.

    I thought I was going crazy or that it was my screen protector, but as soon as I started playing MCOC on the iPhone 12 Pro I’ve had all the issues people have posted as well. Inputs being interpreted incorrectly or my champs have a mind of their own. Pary fails constantly, my block is interpreted as a dash (forward and backwards). The game is unplayable for me now.

    I’ve moved on, logging in to collect daily rewards and haven’t even bothered with cavalier difficulty. Probably not going to play much until this gets fixed. Not worth the frustration tbh
  • Brimst0neBrimst0ne Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Brimst0ne
    Device and Model: iphone 12
    Device Operating System: 14.1
    Cellular or WiFi:both
    Game Version Installed:latest

    I upgraded from an Iphone 7 a week or so ago, on which I have played the game without any device problems other than those that have affected the game as a whole, been identified by the community and rectified. Upon upgrading to the iphone 12, the basic controls/movements have been unresponsive or misinterpreted, resulting in unintentional actions. this problem has occurred continually since game installation on the new device. Moving back to the previous phone removes the issues completely.

    Block and parry often result in a dashback or no action at all, allowing character to be struck. Block often results in a dash forward. I've played for over 5 years, but this makes the game almost unplayable at a competitive level and makes me a liability to my alliance. any information or advice that you can give would be greatly appreciated,

    Kind regards.
  • RawInstinctRawInstinct Member Posts: 65
    In-Game Name: Raw Instinct
    Device and Model: iphone 12
    Device Operating System: 14.1
    Cellular or WiFi:both
    Game Version Installed: Latest

    I have an XS which I have used on the game for the last couple of years and it still works fine but there is something horribly wrong with the IPhone 12 and this game.

    At first I thought it was just me being crazy but dashing back is horrible especially if you have to do it twice or three times quickly it’s basically a guaranteed hit on you. Then other times I’ll be swiping back and the character will dash in and vice versa. Once again I can still use my XS and it works the same way it always has but this IPhone 12 doesn’t work on this game.

  • JaballyJabally Member Posts: 61
    In-Game Name: Jabally
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: 14.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Latest

    It used to be every 20-30 mins I crashed but now it's every 5-10 mins. It happens Everywhere around the game (even crystal opening). With the cyber weekend coming up and me being a free to play player. It takes 2 times as long to grind for units because of the streaks I lose and the time it takes for the game to load.
  • JaballyJabally Member Posts: 61
    *I can’t get into the game on cellular - it just sits in the loading (abomination) screen with the “its your problem” internet signal
  • Buckylives2_0Buckylives2_0 Member Posts: 32
    In-Game Name: Buckylives
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: 14.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Latest

    It used to be every 20-30 mins I crashed but now it's every 5-10 mins. It happens Everywhere around the game. Arena and AQ. The phone is also getting warmer than usual.
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