[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • Wroobel1Wroobel1 Member Posts: 2
    on the ipod you can not play max 2 minutes and crashes the game to the menu who odes me for unity height
    I have been reporting the problem in aq and arenas for 2 months and Kabam doesn't give a ****.
  • Wroobel1Wroobel1 Member Posts: 2
    even one fight I can not do on aq who will refund me for revki spent for unity 6 years I play this game and it was never so bad
  • HULK_BREAKHULK_BREAK Member Posts: 374
    I'm beginning to think that they purposely sabotaged the game, since it has to go out the new one, hoping that people are tired of this and start to play with the new one.
    Personally if I stop I just stop.
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 561 ★★★

    I'm beginning to think that they purposely sabotaged the game, since it has to go out the new one, hoping that people are tired of this and start to play with the new one.
    Personally if I stop I just stop.

    We'll find out on the 16th...
  • FabiusBRFabiusBR Member Posts: 303 ★★★
    Game crashing is much worse tonight. Game is near unplayable. Maybe Kabam is trying to drive us to another game.
  • Kavya30Kavya30 Member Posts: 213 ★★★
    Playing from iPhone 11 Pro. Game is crashing and lagging especially in arenas and is nearly impossible to play well. Losing the streak in the arenas arenas helpful Kabam :’(
  • Deuce2180Deuce2180 Member Posts: 124
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra is any of these cmplaints going to be acknowledged. Kabam happy to take peoples money just not fix the game. I currently run 2 accounts both phone i get randomly kicked out on/parry not working properly still/lag after lag normally when fighting someone with a lot of animations / constant loading symbol/just so many things wrong and nothing is said. Do we have to get the whales to say something before you sort it?
  • kicsiheadkicsihead Member Posts: 32
    Mind kibaszott nyomorultak vagytok, szart sem tudtok kijavítani ezen a kibaszott játékon. Folyamatosan tele vannak hibákkal, vagy a block nem működik.... nem működik, nincs is baszd meg XD Parry....az néha ismeretlen fogalom, meg hasonló finomságok. Kibaszott unit-ból kibaszott energy refill-t "veszek" és az előbb említett kibaszott bug-ok miatt baszd meg folyamatosan előlről kell kezdenem. És azért annyira nem vagyok szar geci, hogy amiatt kelljen újrakezdenem, mert geci béna vagyok. Azért tudom mikor vagyok balfasz, meg mikor fos ez a szar. De szerintetek minden fasza. Kíváncsian várjátok a hibákat, majd amikor az ember NORMÁLISAN ír, akkor "a játék jól működik". Ja, értem. Akkor a rákos kurva anyátokért várjátok a válaszokat idióták? Ha csak olyanokat lehet írni, hogy "uu minden jó leszopnálak titeket" akkor mi a gecinek van hibabejelntő meg hasonlók? Fél óránként a játék beszarik, tölt világba, connection problem már mindennapos... Vágod egy ilyen játéknál, amibe annyi de annyi milliók folynak be ha nem is hetente, de legalább havonta, és mégis ekkora szar. Kabam mike geci..... nyomorultak...nem is tudom, kisbabák a fejlesztők ott, vagy mi? A kutyám jobban megcsinálná ezt a szart, mert ti....
  • kicsiheadkicsihead Member Posts: 32
    A kibaszott csapatotok max a kis faszukat markolgatja és veri pornóra, nem dolgozik a problémákon....nem is tudom mi a kurva anyátokat csináltok ti ott baszd meg.....van egyáltalán számítógép ott vagy mi a rák van?
  • kicsiheadkicsihead Member Posts: 32
    És naná, az ilyen posztok ki lesznek törölve, mert a buzi kis fejetek nem bírja elviselni ha gecire kritizálva vagytok ti kis szüzies faszcibáló gecirágók. Inkább javítsatok meg mindent egyszer s mindenkorra ti seggfejarcú nyomoroncok. Kabam csicskái..... Könnyebb törölni meg tiltani mindent, ami rávilágít a hibáitokra ti kis geciszopók. Kurva anyátok <3
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    JSourp said:

    JSourp said:

    My issue, as I've reported in here several times, with the game constantly crashing seems to have stopped.

    The trick is to not play the game much. I login, do AQ and AW, maybe some EQ, then I get out. Perhaps Kabam thought that we were in game too much and that Arena is overrated, so they added a 'feature' that restricts our time in game.

    I used to grind the arena all the time, putting up 20m every time in the 5* basic, while also getting the milestones in the others. The game crashed in every game mode for me. However, not a single crash anywhere since I stopped doing arena.

    Kabam clearly doesn't care about this issue (since they are radio silent in here), but the issue is real and is a continued problem for many (31 pages doesn't lie).

    Welp, they managed to suck me back into the arena. At win streak 6 in the 6* shard celebration arena, boom, game crashed. Perhaps there is a correlation here.

    Kabam, thoughts?
    Could be something that combats bots...
  • Boba_Fett75Boba_Fett75 Member Posts: 5
    In-Game Name: Boba Fett 75
    Device and Model: iPhone X
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.2
    Cellular or WiFi: both, cellular carrier is AT&T
    Game Version Installed: 29.1.0 c
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest & Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Consistent lagging, or stuttering gameplay. It seems to pause for 2 seconds and then keeps going, but with constant lag. I will close out the app, & or restart my phone, but the stuttering and lag starts up again within another 15-20 minutes.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    I’m sick to death of the iPhone 12 issues.
    Dying in what should be relatively straightforward fights because of random unintended actions.
    Please get this sorted ASAP.
  • JakersummitJakersummit Member Posts: 4
    In-Game Name: Jakersummit
    Device and Model: iPhone 12 max pro
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.2.1
    Cellular or WiFi: both, service is Verizon
    Game Version Installed: 29.1.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest & Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: my champion will randomly dash forward or back during fights. Also when I try and dash back myself, at times it won’t register and my champ just stands there. When I try to select something in the game it constantly takes me to the unit store. Other times when I try and select something, like the pause button for example, it doesn’t register and I’m tapping it over and over and just nothing. A lot of times if I am in a quest and I try to look around on the map it just freezes and won’t move.
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    Seriously Kabam,

    This game still crashes a lot. In events, arenas and even when you just look through your inventory. It could easily result in a crash if you’re in the store or doing a champ upgrade too.

    Why this isn’t a number one priority to get the game stability better instead of adding new champs all the time or buff one of the existing ones.

    Game speed are ever changing and can be everything from stuttering and slow with shaking fighting arena to a really quick one, it’s like a heavy load or a sudden memory process are freeing up memory.

    I’m playing on both an iPad and an iPhone and it happens on both.
  • GarageFighterGarageFighter Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: GarageFighter
    Device and Model: iPad 6
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: 29.1
    Game Mode: All the game mode
    Description of the Issue: The game keep crashing after open for couple of minutes, in questing, only able to do a few fights, and sometimes in the middle of fight, it closed itself without any warning, when open back, sometimes I get to fight back the same oppo with full health, sometimes it just disappear, my health become half, and oppo still full health. Can't really do those long questing, such as Act 6.4.
  • SivartizeSivartize Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Sivartize
    Device and Model: iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 8s
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.2.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both, service is Vodafone
    Game Version Installed: 29.1.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena and Alliance Quest.
    Description of the Issue: My blocks are sometimes unresponsive or it will do a medium or heavy attack instead. When doing a heavy attack, champ will sometimes dash back instead. Defenders will use their special attacks in the middle of my five hit combo. My champ will dash forward instead of dexing whenever the defender uses a special attack. The game is crashing at the beginning of fights more and more often in all game modes.
    These issues have become much worse in the last two days and has made the game almost unplayable.
    I can’t do any uncollected or cavalier difficulty in EQ or work on Act 6 because I have no control of my champs.
    Hopefully these issues can be fixed soon.
    Thank you.
  • CaptBirdseyeCaptBirdseye Member Posts: 102
    Where is Maintenance ? Considering all the issues with Lag, Crashes, PARRY and now special daily thing just says I have 3 things to open or start doesn’t even appear.

    Did Kabam all go on holiday from December 6th ?
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    And the connection **** continues. Midnight the there are suddenly a change in speed, controls are random and the small freeze periods make the fights a joke.
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180

    And the connection **** continues. Midnight the there are suddenly a change in speed, controls are random and the small freeze periods make the fights a joke.

    Spellcheck, midnight supposed to be mid-fights
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    iOS 14.3

    Opening forum pages from the game and get an error launching forum, error code N-50. Happens frequently and it did just now.

    Forum has no difficulty launching from a stored link in safari
  • MaxwellusMaxwellus Member Posts: 30
    In game name- maxwells
    Device- iPhone X
    Operating system 14.0.2
    Mobile or WIFI - both
    Game version installed- 29.1.0
    Game mode- AQ . Monthly and arena events.
    Description of issue- serious lag and game crashing upon triggering to start fight and sometimes while in fight.
    Kabam team... hello I have been in game many years... I truely am sick and tired of these issues... I’ve used so many revivals and potions due this these issues especially the lag.. I’ve not asked for compensation before however I am now due to these issues that are on going.. I feel I’ve lost faith in what we are hold is happening to rectify this, for it is still there.. please please please do something very soon ... it’s makes the game which I have enjoyed over the years very frustrating and upsetting coz we are not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel..
    I’m always reading that it’s getting looked into.. I can’t understand why it’s taking so long.. due to these issues I’ve used far to many units and items to keep going in AQ and other events... game constantly crashing is also not good.. I would like to have compensation please.. the ball is in your court gentleman...
    Thank you
  • MccjaMccja Member Posts: 6
    In-Game Name: Mccja
    Device and Model: iPhone X
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.3
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 29.1.0
    Game Mode: Arena, Event Quest, Story Quest
    Description of the Issue: During a fight the game will freeze for a couple seconds then start going again. This seems to happen most during longer play sessions. Eventually during one of these freezing events the game will crash.
  • DBGMDBGM Member Posts: 16
    You need to change your insane stance on a lost connection taking HALF our health in AQ etc. That is GARBAGE with all these connection issues. Happens at *least* once in every... single... quest. Reduce the "damage" to 20% and maybe, MAYBE it'll be ok.
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    After the gifting event started the lagging is so bad. There can easily be 10 seconds or more delays before content is loading everywhere in the game. Fighting having a short 1-2 seconds freeze a bit into the fight something like 15-30 seconds or so. Inputs are dropped, happens when trying to do a 5 hit combo where the 4 hit is not recognized and gives a counter in the face instead.

    Also, when doing a combo or a special some of the defenders that are knocked down are recovering quicker to do a counter-attack than the attacker to have a chance to react at all
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  • MalakHanMalakHan Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: Malak Hakka
    Device and Model: iPad 6
    Device Operating System: 13.7
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 29.1.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest, & Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Crashing while loading a fight, after just starting one, or during a fight. For crashes during fight, plays as normal- no lag or connection issue, sudden crash. Experiencing the issue more consistently over the past two months. Has happened after playing an hour, right after loading the game (including restart).
  • OtotheQOtotheQ Member Posts: 10
    In-Game Name: O-(‘.’Q)
    Device and Model: iPhone X
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.0.1
    Cellular or WiFi: both. China mobile for cellular
    Game Version Installed: 29.1.0
    Game Mode: Incursions
    Description of the Issue: Chat does not show unless i restart the app every time i need to check chat. It happened about a year ago as well and the problem wasn’t fixed for months. I’m in China and that seemed to be the reason last time as other Chinese players had the same problem
  • thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151
    Device and Version: iPad Pro 10.5"

    Device Operating System: iPadOS 14.3

    Mobile Carrier: n/a

    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: latest as of 12-23-20
    Game Mode: Alliance Quest Map 4 fighting Nebula

    Champions Affected: Doctor Doom 5/65 sig 200
    Active Boosts: n/a

    Description of the Issue: I experienced an issue where blocking simply would not work. I'm Cavalier, Level 60, and I know how to block. Holding down my finger to block simply didn't register during this fight more than half of the time, and as a result, I took 2 full combos as well as an SP2 to the face. My Doom lost nearly 50% health because of this.
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    Will there ever be a stop of The crashing in arena and event. Got it twice in an hour already today. Hopeless effort Kabam, wish you focused on the fix for that instead of being so occupied of delivering new stuff all time.
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