[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • tfdrp2tfdrp2 Member Posts: 49
    Samsung Galaxy Note 10
    In game name tfdrp
    I was able to get into the game 3-4 times yesterday, and 1 time today. I sit looking at this screen every other time I try to get into the game

  • 777dude777dude Member Posts: 6
    My game won't open whileim connected to wifi
    It only works with cellular data which is frustrating
  • tfdrp2tfdrp2 Member Posts: 49
    tfdrp2 said:

    Samsung Galaxy Note 10
    In game name tfdrp
    I was able to get into the game 3-4 times yesterday, and 1 time today. I sit looking at this screen every other time I try to get into the game

    I can now connect through cellular data (was not able to before) but still can not connect through wifi
  • Danklacrank1Danklacrank1 Member Posts: 61
    how can you guys start war or as when tons of on the east coast can't stay connected??? still get kicked off after aq fights arena fights it's horrendous and if this happens during war fight I'll freak lol please fix this...its a Wi-Fi connection issues because with cell service we have no problems
  • Somethingsome2Somethingsome2 Member Posts: 18
    I'm getting really pissed off finishing a fight in AQ and then getting disconnected when done. Then I get the joy of fighting again with half health. Fix you your damn game Kabam.

    Galaxy S9 with latest version
    Wifi connection with 200Mbps service.
    It IS NOT on my end...it's your stupid infrastructure.
  • Eagleernie1Eagleernie1 Member Posts: 15
    Crashing after fighting in AQ. Stuck on login screen. Past 2 days have not been able to stay connected longer than 5 to 10 minutes.
    Samsung Galaxy S8
  • Merc_With_MouthMerc_With_Mouth Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2020

    My game won't open whileim connected to wifi
    It won't even with cellular data too this is frustrating
  • Eagleernie1Eagleernie1 Member Posts: 15
    In-Game Name: eagleernie
    Device and Model: Galaxy S8
    Device Operating System: Android version 9
    Cellular or WiFi: both sprint
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.5
    Game Mode: all modes
    Description of the Issue: crashing after fight, stuck on login screen when trying to log back in. Have not been able to stay logged in longer than 5 to 10 minutes at a time.

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  • Jrf8_Jrf8_ Member Posts: 2
    I'm stuck on the downloading screen after updating to the new version of the game, do i uninstall it and again download it but I'm still stuck on the downloading screen. It us continuously showing the connection issue. Please fix it. I'm using a realme 6 pro, android 10.
  • Jrf8_Jrf8_ Member Posts: 2

    This is happening continuously and it is not getting downloaded.
  • Spidey4035Spidey4035 Member Posts: 12
    In-Game Name: Spidey 4035.
    Device and Model: Oppo A9 2020
    Device Operating System: Android 9
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.5
    Game Mode: Any mode
    Description of the Issue: Using WiFi when i win a match but before the victory message comes up, the lost signal sign appears and the game disconnects and when i get connected again i have to start the match again at half health against a full health opponent. It doesn't happen when i use my phone data and the WiFi works with my other apps just fine, the only issue is with MCOC.
  • TOMCAT19TOMCAT19 Member Posts: 8

    This may take awhile
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  • TED355TED355 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2020
    TIME ZONE: +5:30

    type of connection used: WIFI

    can anyone please tell me why is the game asking me to download 285MB of data when it was working all fine a couple hours back. @Kabam Miike care to shed some light on this situation. ?

  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    27.2.5 is clearly causing significant issues for many Android users.
    I keep searching the forum for acknowledgement and/or confirmation a fix is being worked on but still can't find anything.
    Any chance of an update?
  • MuhammadbilalMuhammadbilal Member Posts: 6
    In-Game Name: AniMeLoVer~13
    Device and Model: Motorola E4
    Device Operating System:7.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: on both
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.5
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: whenever I do Arena or Quest at first works ok but then after a few minutes my oppenents turn black and after that my screen started blinking then my game crashed plz fix this issues I don't what's happening its happens a little bit before the update but when I update the game it's happening alot. Thank you,
  • ƊƖЄƓƠƊƖЄƓƠ Member Posts: 4
    In-Game Name: Ɗ Ɩ Є Ɠ Ơ
    Device and Model: Mi 9T PRO
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.5
    Game Mode: Any mode

    Description of the Issue: It has been a few days since my game has dropped connection, after the last update it dropped a lot!
    I can't even make three fights without the game going down, will they really keep AW? it seems unfair some don't even get it right (it was a sacrifice to position defenses today) while others play it cool, what did I not even talk about AQ all the time losing 50% of life due to falls, and arena? oh forget it ...
    Please analyze this urgently ...
  • SnicklefritzSnicklefritz Member Posts: 96
    the lack of communication and acknowledgment of this issue is laughable at this point. The game is flat out unplayable for at least 25% of the community. All I read from kabam is requesting phone info. The phones are not the problem and you know it. Aq and aw should have already been suspended. Shut the game down until you can get it fixed.
  • samxsamsamxsam Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2020
    This game has been ABSOLUTELY UNPLAYABLE as of late and there is nothing being done about it. Majority of Android players are not able to maintain a connection in the slightest, all the while Kabam decides that it's suitable enough to continue with AQ/AW and just not let Android users play. After a 20min massive update, the game is worse than it was before. MCOC is the only app that is significantly screwed up on my phone, WI-FI or data, and will continue to be so until you guys fix your wrongs and acknowledge that it's beyond screwed. @Kabam Miike
  • jdrum663jdrum663 Member Posts: 551 ★★
    Constant disconnects, constant momentary freezing (anywhere from 1-10 seconds), constant glitches and lag, random nonresponsive issues, and long loading times. Samsung Etab with Lollipop.
  • TodroTodro Member Posts: 25
    In-Game Name: Todro
    Device and Model: Android Galaxy Note 9
    Device Operating System:
    Cellular or WiFi: Mostly Wifi, but also cellular at times
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.5
    Game Mode: All Game modes
    Description of the Issue: After most fights the character screen just stays still until I'm logged off due to "connectivity errors" just cost me a lost I'm sure in war. Happens during AQ and normal play as well, but I can deal with that. But in war, every death counts.
  • Danklacrank1Danklacrank1 Member Posts: 61
    your game doesn't work if connected to wifi it crashes at the end of almost every fight and you guys just roll out boss rush start aw and pretend this isn't happening to your players read all the post it's everywhere do something please I am beyond annoyed i am the most active summoner alive and spend thousands on top of it and you just ignore me and pretend this isnt happening stop war and aq until you fix this game
  • SnicklefritzSnicklefritz Member Posts: 96

    Just to add to the absolute worst bug I have experienced, same as everybody here. Alliance activity shows nothing. Hesitant to even put this here because the connection bug is so much more important, but as you can see a lot wrong with the game.
  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,146 ★★★★
    In-Game Name: odachi13
    Device and Model: Samsung Note 9
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 22.7.5
    Game Mode: All of them - if I could get to them
    Description of the Issue: Horrendous drop outs and disconnects, loading times 3x what they previously were since installing this update. Not an issue my side because I have an iPad which works fine in game both over wifi and hotspot using my phones data.
    Compensation was nice but you still need to fix the game for android!
  • LonMLonM Member Posts: 61
    You might as well put a note in a bottle and through it in an ocean , would get the same response as you would posting in this forum , 10 days of people posting about fight button lag , getting booted from AQ , taking half health and ZERO kabam responses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious
  • hmrjhmrj Member Posts: 5
    In-Game Name: hmrj
    Device and Model: Xiaomi note 5 pro
    Device Operating System: 9
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.5
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: Anytime a "Network Disconnected" error pops up. After pressing "FIGHT" button in AQ the game pauses for minimum 15 seconds before start of fight
  • N1ghtwolfN1ghtwolf Member Posts: 33
    marvel contest of maintenence have been adressing the issue repeatedly not only me but seems nothing is being done,

    loads of pots revives being wasted,

    free kills happening in AW,
    multiple time lagging /crashing of the game in between fight in Aq
    1. fight entering time after clicking is to much have to press n times to enter the game and later have to keep the fingers crossed that game doesnt crash

      the recent update has really prooved to be trash, seems like they just wanted to finish the season somehow irrespective of the facts what loss summoners have to face.

      WHEN WE TALK ABOUT COMPENSATION every one seems happy but with such kind of issues happening most of pots potions revives are being used in AQ AW- so seems just a "give and take policy by the game developers"

      im using vivo v15pro
      android 10
      with still 100 gb free and 3 internet connections so dont feel internet service are trash

      to be honest what has been happening in AQ since yesterday and todays aw i dont feel like entering the game

  • Abel1985334Abel1985334 Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: Abel85 and Daxxxie
    Device and Model: Samsung J6
    Device Operating System: Android 10, One UI Version 2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Not sure. The last update according to Google Play was 29th June 2020
    Game Mode: Generally during fights in any part. Also happens when I am trying to log in.
    Description of the Issue: There will be lag during fights. Happens a lot in fight. . Also, at times, suddenly I will not be able to connect to the server, and would have to close the game and restart it. At times I can't log in and would have to try a few times before being able to log in. With characters like Arkus, the game literally lags when I am using him, or fighting him.
  • tyroc86tyroc86 Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Gooby
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy Note 9
    Device Operating System: Android 9
    Cellular or WiFi: Cellular and WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.5
    Game Mode: Any mode
    Description of the Issue: Using WiFi when i win a match but before the victory message comes up, the lost signal sign appears and the game disconnects and when i get connected again i have to start the match again at half health against a full health opponent. When I'm on just my data, it won't connect at all, even though I can connect to everything else on my phone with my data.
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