Fights resetting [Merged Thread]



  • sacoma_sack78sacoma_sack78 Member Posts: 142
    Kpatrix said:

    1860 5* shards down the drain, better be comped. Can’t play anything but AQ and it’s so far off schedule we won’t finish due to time zones and sleep. I know it’s not intentional but this needs something positive for players while we get the shaft due to bugs

    Totally agree
  • sacoma_sack78sacoma_sack78 Member Posts: 142
    Claiming milestones is giving me connectivity loss notification. @Kabam Miike
  • AllBlacksNZAllBlacksNZ Member Posts: 3
    Same **** happens to me too. So frustrated. It’s been almost 12 hours and it still isn’t fixed

  • jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283

    Arena is still broken
  • PhantomPhorever1PhantomPhorever1 Member Posts: 15
    Can’t claim it!!
  • dsdsdsds Member Posts: 20
    @Kabam Miike I hope you guys took arena wins solo objective in account pretty much desperate to collect t3 tech cat from frag crystal to rank up my imiw for special quest.but fights in arena still not working properly and I don't think I can complete it now anytime sooner
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Can’t claim objectives rewards...

  • PhantomPhorever1PhantomPhorever1 Member Posts: 15

    Can’t claim it
  • Dino7878Dino7878 Member Posts: 32
    zeezee57 said:

    Dino7878 said:

    kabam, you are not addressing how you are handling arena. totally can't do anything in arena, close to half day gone. what is done on the 1st day is wasted. how are you answering this. your answer of "It won't be until next week at the earliest" regarding compensation, is not solving the arena and the real lift time people have spent on it.

    How are they supposed to address it to your liking? They're clearly going through each game mode and working their way through. They've said AQ/AW is good, then later said quests should be good, arenas are still stated having issues at the top of the page so it stands to reason that's next in line.
    did i say to address it to my liking? they have to address how they are handling arena. 1.5 out of 3 days wasted. time spent on first day wasted thats all. and plain simple it needs addressing to.
  • dsdsdsds Member Posts: 20
    Just to be saying I don't have any decent lvl up double immunity champ for which I'm not lazy but my luck is bad
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hey Everyone,

    We're testing another fix that we hope will fix the rest of these issues. It might take a little while, but we'll update you all as we get more information.
  • DorkyDorky Member Posts: 358
    So what's up with this one? Are we undergoing maintenance?

  • Jpany25novJpany25nov Member Posts: 5
    I have the same problem... any answers from kabam?

  • DorkyDorky Member Posts: 358
    Nothing yet
  • AshKetchumAshKetchum Member Posts: 286 ★★
    There's a giant yellow marker on top of the forums saying it. And the #1 post in general in Kabam like posting about the issues. Read before you post
  • DorkyDorky Member Posts: 358
    I read that and that's why I posted lol
  • Dob1616Dob1616 Member Posts: 177
    There’s a post at the top of this page stating that arena is not fixed yet. Just so u know
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    I would Like to say THANK YOU KABAM !!

    Because of your bug we were unable to finish our war to 100% !
    Because of your bug we were unable to connect to do our AQ 6 for more than 5 hours !!
    Because of your bug we won’t be able to finish this AQ ! Most of our members did go to sleep without being able to start the AQ

    Because of your bug, the 3-4 members still awake can’t advance in AQ as there too many nodes still here

    So THANK YOU KABAM for the poor coding of this version 👍
  • sorry_shaktimansorry_shaktiman Member Posts: 21
    my win strik just reset without fights with an error
  • SaifPhilSaifPhil Member Posts: 15
    I hope they follow the correct maitanence checklist or bring game up after complete maintenance
    They are afraid that they may need to give compensation prizes for prolonged maintenance. i lost my 4* streak for CULL Obsidian. 😭😭

  • PraetextatusPraetextatus Member Posts: 16
    Game is (kinda) working again? I’m working AQ with no issues, but can’t claim rewards for Fantastic foes. Not booting me out, just won’t let me collect them.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Stellar said:

    I would Like to say THANK YOU KABAM !!

    Because of your bug we were unable to finish our war to 100% !
    Because of your bug we were unable to connect to do our AQ 6 for more than 5 hours !!
    Because of your bug we won’t be able to finish this AQ ! Most of our members did go to sleep without being able to start the AQ

    Because of your bug, the 3-4 members still awake can’t advance in AQ as there too many nodes still here

    So THANK YOU KABAM for the poor coding of this version 👍

    This is an unfortunate incident for sure, but seeing as there was no issues with this until this morning (the last update came out yesterday), it's safe to say this is not "poor coding". This is a Database issue that we don't have total control over.
  • Viper83Viper83 Member Posts: 210
    Why no one is talking about not being able to claim fantastic family and foe rewards!!!
  • polverine15polverine15 Member Posts: 191
    I just got hosed in arenas. I had won a fight and before I could go to the second fight the connection icon came up. I waited a minute or so then got a notice that said it could not not match the PvP date with the arena. I went back in and it showed my streak at ZERO!! Now I have to start over.
  • BrazenhutBrazenhut Member Posts: 134

    Hey Everyone,

    We're testing another fix that we hope will fix the rest of these issues. It might take a little while, but we'll update you all as we get more information.

    I know you guys get a lot of flak but the fact that at this time in the night, you are still responding to people’s comments and have been doing it all day shows your commitment to customer service. I am sure your programmers and coders are working to solve all these issues every minute as well. I understand the amount of work that goes into trouble shooting and fixing these issues. Thanks for taking care of this.
  • AMg_1008AMg_1008 Member Posts: 4
    I hope this issue will not reset my win streak...
  • polverine15polverine15 Member Posts: 191
    I just got the same thing and lost my streak. Soooo upset right now
  • NiradNirad Member Posts: 21
    Fights are fixed for the side quests. However, I can't claim the milestone rewards.

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