Fights Resetting after Completion and not being able to Enter Arena [Merged Threads]

FimsonCrogFimsonCrog Member Posts: 100 ★★
edited November 2019 in Bugs and Known Issues
After defeating a node, it keeps resetting to the same node. Going on my 4th fight on the same node. Seems to be super glitchy and alliance mates are seeing the same issues.
Post edited by Kabam Miike on


  • allingutsallinguts Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2019
    When I click to play the arenas the death symbol of connection failure is popping here, restarted the game but still pops when I try to play arenas

  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    In EQ today I've had it happen multiple times well fighting an opponent where after winning the game glitches and takes half my health and has me refight the same fight again. Only work around has been to restart the game. So far its cost me about 75% of my corvus health
  • kfd2010kfd2010 Member Posts: 423 ★★
    Me too. Multiple times

    Has hurt me when I've won but it's also not logged when I've died at times.

    I restarted the game and it helped and then it happened again. Happening in Fantastic Events for me
  • WebsnatcherDribbleWebsnatcherDribble Member Posts: 14
    Same thing here. Fought red skull twice, defeated him too but I came back to the fight screen again.

    Playing on ipad pro 9.7, I used ghost with quantum trinity in my team alongwith havok and symbiote supreme.
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 986 ★★★
    Same. Just came on to see if anyone else getting this.

    Was fighting Morningstar in epic, won, and had to start over. Happened twice. Rebooting game. Hopefully that solves it.
  • Turkey_Tone83Turkey_Tone83 Member Posts: 74
    Same did epic MS and went back to her again killed her 3 times and it goes back to start of the fight 🤣🤣🤣
  • VishalRajwadiVishalRajwadi Member Posts: 33
    I see there is a bug in the new quest for Hero's. We have to fight for 3 times to go further
  • allingutsallinguts Member Posts: 27
    Yep, it’s all bugged
  • Morpheus_123Morpheus_123 Member Posts: 792 ★★★
    Keep getting lots of errors. Now I just keep seeing 'Heroes do not match the heroes in your team'. Then it sends me back to the main arena page.
  • AbdelazizMahfouzAbdelazizMahfouz Member Posts: 5
    same here and now I can't return to the quest after restarting the game.
  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    My fights started glitching in master event quest, 2nd chapter, quest one. Both on the Phoenix fight and OG cap. Had to fight them like 3 times and then it lets me get past if you don’t touch anything on the screen, and my champs took half health penalty when I didn’t get hit at all. Don’t know if it’s doing this in uncollected version but that one I would be very mad about losing health.
  • Morpheus_123Morpheus_123 Member Posts: 792 ★★★
    there's an update again on android.... just noticed it
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 986 ★★★
    yeah, for that one fight. Too nervous to o any further. My Omega red at 5% health when I should have finished the fight the 1st time at 100%.
  • Vegas110Vegas110 Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2019
    Same issue had to fight 4 times on left and right side last node before boss in master level of fantastic daily quest
  • Sweetleaf88666Sweetleaf88666 Member Posts: 111
    edited November 2019
    So I just defeated Ultron on the fantastic quest on master, beat him and then he's still there on the map, fought him again and defeated him. After the fight he is there again, this time he defeated me, when the fight was over he was there on the map again with full health, and my champion who was defeated was there with health. I've defeated him four times now but each time it returns to the quest after the fight he is still there, with full health. Really not happy. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit any ideas?
  • MelbinoMelbino Member Posts: 4
    After I beat the abomination it resets again, the first time I lost 50% health.
    I can’t get past
    Anyone have the same thing happening?
    I have IPhone 7 and iOS 13.2.2
    I have video as well
  • FitnesscwFitnesscw Member Posts: 216 ★★
    Same here
  • FitnesscwFitnesscw Member Posts: 216 ★★
    Same here
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,280 Guardian

    there's an update again on android.... just noticed it

    Update was from yesterday, is that what you saw ?

    Anyways, GAME DOWN right now.
  • AngryYoshiAngryYoshi Member Posts: 136
    Unfortunately I can’t upload video from phone. But I fought Ronan on map 6 section 3 twice now. First fight said victory and when screen loaded back to map he was stiLl there. I restarted game and he was still there and recorded fight and it happened again. Victory but still there. Also happened in Today’s side quest against final fight.
    Latest version of game/iPhone X/ latest iOS version.
  • DavidMateiDavidMatei Member Posts: 15
    First u blocked my account, and i don't know why ( for the people who will say cause i've been hacking, don't bother , cause i put videos , i've been recording the fights, account name David Matei) now i happend this i fight hella 2 times . I Have video , how can i uplod ??

  • WaddaboutmeWaddaboutme Member Posts: 129
    Having the same issue now I can’t get into EQ at all. Keep getting connection issue and game timing out now. Everything else appears “normal”
  • IronToastConnorIronToastConnor Member Posts: 3
    Yes I have had the same problem. You defeat the boss then it knocks you to 50% health and have to go in and do it again, and hope that it doesn’t do the same thing again.
  • purucllasicpurucllasic Member Posts: 11
    Was fighting in special quest , reached to boss got him down after loading screen he was alive after that i tried to quit quest it keeps loading and say disconnected.

    When relogined and trying to continue quest it keepa loading and disconnects again..

    Kabam fix this plz.. This is not good
  • Dr_PhysicoDr_Physico Member Posts: 58
    Same for me in epic Fantastic Invasion quest. Fought a Loltron twice with blade but he was still there, changed to corvus and it counted as kill. Now I'm at the boss Annihilus and have killed him twice so far too, but still not done with the quest.
  • Planc2007Planc2007 Member Posts: 48
    I had to fight Doc Oc in Epic fantastic daily quest 3 times. First time lost 50% health after I KOed him, second time I Koed him and still had 50% health. 3rd time KOed allowed me to continue.

    Fought the source of the node and lost 4 champs, each time he went to full health. After the 4th time all my champs were not KOed and full health.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra Please look into this and update.
  • AAMAXIMUS01AAMAXIMUS01 Member Posts: 144

    Was going, with side quest have to fight opponents twice and losing half health before you even fight
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,280 Guardian
    Don’t need to upload video, game has problems right now not registering fight wins. Or maybe completely down by now.
  • SenorPantsSenorPants Member Posts: 102
    Same. Venompool, second champ tile, left path, invasion event quest, keeps respawning. Pixel 3 XL, WiFi, Android 10.
  • MikeFrisbieMikeFrisbie Member Posts: 26
    This also happened to me. I beat Venompool with Domino in the Fantastic Invasion quest, but then the screen stuttered, and I didn't get the victory message. I then had to fight Venompool a couple more times before it registered the victory.
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