Fix the Season before it’s too late. Cancel this war.

We are heading towards making this season even more messed up than it already is. Numerous teams weren’t able to get matchmaking in due to the lengthy emergency maintenance. There is no fair way to have this war count. And we can’t fight this war without knowing if it will count.
Cancel this war before it starts in a few hours. Run a 0 pt war for the final one this week and resume the season at the restart. Extend the season a week.
Plenty of teams got burned by the timing of the servers messing up and being unable to finish the prior war. There is obviously no way to tell who would have won without it and plenty of teams spent items to win. That can’t be undone. But don’t double down and make this season any more unfair.
Cancel this war.
Cancel this war before it starts in a few hours. Run a 0 pt war for the final one this week and resume the season at the restart. Extend the season a week.
Plenty of teams got burned by the timing of the servers messing up and being unable to finish the prior war. There is obviously no way to tell who would have won without it and plenty of teams spent items to win. That can’t be undone. But don’t double down and make this season any more unfair.
Cancel this war.
The season was supposed to rewards lock this war anyhow. Cancel this war, 0 pt the next so we can run a test war that everything is fixed. Add a week to the season. That’ll give six in season wars. Anyone in their current alliance would get rewards.
If anything your point is the reason we should cancel. Anyone who just joined an ally that didn’t get matchmaking in would not be able to complete five wars now.
It's also not a punishment for there to be a makeup war in its place. No need to be needlessly melodramatic
Your ally isn’t more skilled or clever just because they got matched. Not everyone plays on the same time zone. Lots of teams matchmaked during the instability and got delisted. They were punished by a bug. If you fight this war, win or lose, you’ll advance beyond those players.
Cancelling it ensures no one spends items on a useless or ambiguous war. If they can make it actually not count and communicate it clearly, by all means.
So many points lost because that bug, it’s not fair!
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra
We also have been able to match and are sitting on a tier threshold. This bug probably guarantees us a higher tier at the end of the season.
It’s still bad for the game and it needs to be fixed.