Radom non-sequitur question for Miike, Lyra, Vydious, Zibiit, etc

I know some of the community terms have become a part of MCoC (intercept, backdraft, Netflix DD, tanking, shells).
I was wondering if some of the more common colloquialisms (Sparky, Sparkles, Beardo, Bobblehead) are used in and around the office?
I was wondering if some of the more common colloquialisms (Sparky, Sparkles, Beardo, Bobblehead) are used in and around the office?
A lot of these terms do become colloquial in house as well, but some of them I like to push back against with my own nicknames (Iron Man (IW) will always be Infinity Man to me), but Sparky, Sparkles and Beardo are all well know around the studio.
And Miike, I have never heard Infinity Man, but I like it.
I don’t think anybody except me has called him Infinity Man, but I refuse to call him anything else.
Also would like to say, I appreciate the self-awareness y'all place in there from time to time... like when Hydra Adaptoid came back.