What should I focus on?

Was wondering which champs I should focus on levelling. Bear in mind I also have a 4* Nebula aswell.
Any pointers would be most appreciated.

Any pointers would be most appreciated.

If you must Rank up a 4*, Gully99 seems good from what I understand, was well as Clair, Warlock, corvus and CAIW to name a few
Guilotine 2099
Ghost rider will help you alot in aq later
Black widow claire
Quake is long learn champ to play. You nEED ALOT so Alot practice.
You have alot god tier. Try check seatin tier list in youtube
I only have the t3s high because of arena. Needed some cheap level 30s for an experiment.
Will focus on Hulk first then. Remember someone telling me I should rank ghost rider first. Any sense in that?
I am missing one item for pushing ghostie to the next level.
What will I need to do to crush that one?