AOU Vision not applying energy damage for power burnt

I have noticed several instances of vision appropriately draining 100% power from special 2 but not applying additional damage based on amount burnt. No, I am not fighting magneto as I know he can counter. This was observed fighting hawkeye and hulk most recently. Is this happening for anyone else?
Yep, both are bugged and it does happen intermittently. The only pattern I've noticed so far is that if it appears bugged it will almost always stay bugged for the entire fight regardless of which special you use. But it may not remain bugged in the very next fight. I have also seen this bug in PvE content outside of the arena which suggests that the cause isn't likely to be a malfunctioning mastery.
Also, as far as I've seen the power always burns, but it is the health burn that doesn't happen. I haven't seen the power itself fail to burn except when that is a normal possibility (i.e. you are magnetized).
Another crazy variation of the bug is that the power is always burned but no damage...however, one time, I was just avoiding after a power burn and it was almost as if the damage came later like there was a time delay cause the opponent just took damage and died randomly without any action by me lol. Game is so messed up.
I think I might have seen that one once, but I wasn't sure if I saw what I thought I saw. It just seemed so random. At times like that I wish I could just record all my gameplay for future reference.
Yeah the closest thing I could describe it to would be YJ sting and how the AI dies when trying to activate a special. That's how it looked.
Not true at all. I've experienced Vision bugs several times during story quests and AQ as well as arena and AW. He's Russian Roulette now. Sometimes he doesn't power burn. Sometimes he doesn't deal damage. He's very broken.