Impossible fight

The magik on 5.2.4 is impossible no matter what i do limbo activates and takes nearly 400 health per second. How am I supposed to progress when I can't get units for revives
- Crossbones with Fury Stacks
- Black Widow with sufficiently high Sig Level
- Elektra by ensuring they have a debuff active when crossing the power levels
- Luke Cage with Concussion and also his Exhaustion stacks can slow or even reverse power gain
- Quake's "Quake & Bake" not only prevents power gain because you're not hitting them, but also applies Concussion
- AA-Ron (Archangel) when woke can not only prevent Limbo regen with any Neuro-Toxin but given enough stacks (and sig level) you can shut down Limbo entirely
- Anyone with Heal Block can be viable because you can at least keep battering away at her while she's in Limbo so long as Heal Block is active when Limbo expires
There are still other options, you'd be surprised.As for "...when I can't get units for revives" - that's what Arena's for, other than $$ it's the best way to build up units to help your game growth.
Don't waste your resources or units, it's ok to back out and return later when you're ready.