Alliance Help not reducing timer in availability

I have 3 accounts, 1 on my phone and 2 on separate iPads. I noticed the help button does not reduce the timer for the champion availability in the arena.
5* Initial help right after fight - 1st iPad help registered and time reduced. 2nd iPad help registered but time still the same (counting down). I tried restarting the app after the help but timer was still the same.
6* Initial help right after fight - 1st iPad help registered and time reduced. 2nd iPad help registered but time still the same (counting down). I tried restarting the app after the help but timer was still the same.
6* help became available again after fight from 8 hours ago. - 1st and 2nd iPad help registered but time not reduced at all.
5* Initial help right after fight - 1st iPad help registered and time reduced. 2nd iPad help registered but time still the same (counting down). I tried restarting the app after the help but timer was still the same.
6* Initial help right after fight - 1st iPad help registered and time reduced. 2nd iPad help registered but time still the same (counting down). I tried restarting the app after the help but timer was still the same.
6* help became available again after fight from 8 hours ago. - 1st and 2nd iPad help registered but time not reduced at all.
On the other subject, when 5* and 6* champs are eligible to ask for help again (after the initial 2 hour help window), they will NOT get any additional reduction in shorter refresh time even though they can receive additional helps.
* Not sure if that is maybe a bug or not, but that is how it’s been working for 5*/6*. Probably designed that way, otherwise your 6* could over 12 hours Gain a total reduction of 30 minutes (6 instances of 2 hour helps, x 5 helps from ppl each).