Generic 5* awakening gem - who’s worthy?!

TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
edited November 2019 in Strategy and Tips
Who, from my current roster, is worthy of the generic 5* awakening gem? Or should I wait for a more worthy champ? I also have a mutant AG in my stash, which can be saved for Namor...

Generic 5* awakening gem - who’s worthy?! 43 votes

StefanjonesTerraTROUBL3DLvernon15OrcDovahkiinThunderGodSidDDragonArham1EinfachSoBLACKMILKTEA_88SeraphionBłADEDibang85H3t3rAgentkNightbat216 16 votes
Archdemon_Mrmarvel123XxLoganTDCxXChampioncriticAleorFhfjghhggggjfhfjgEtjamaThicco_ModeOMGJimboMrSpoonTheInfintyMarvelaaaaIbbyManuTheHotshot 14 votes
Mentalboy1lowlevelplayer 2 votes
Ghost Rider
Spity68 1 vote
Wait for a more worthy champ, such as...
DL864dr_nish777exc3lBsnskaLordRaymond3ŁŤÇHector_1475TheSongOfOrpheusnOuxQxaxxs 10 votes


  • TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
    For those suggesting I wait, it would be great to get your recommendation on who to wait for...
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Wait for a more worthy champ, such as...
    Aegon, Fury, Omega, Hyperion, Void, CapIW, Medusa, CMM.

    Generic IMO should only be used on the top 2-3 champs of each class, and only if / when it makes a big difference.
  • TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
    For those suggesting I wait, it would be great to get your recommendation on who to wait for...

    Aegon, Fury, Omega, Hyperion, Void, CapIW, Medusa, CMM.

    Generic IMO should only be used on the top 2-3 champs of each class, and only if / when it makes a big difference.

    Fair comment. I have Ghost at rank 4, and she’s amazing, but I can see how much better she’d be awakened, so I’m torn. I already have Omega awakened (game changer), the rest from your list I’m still waiting to get, other then CMM who I have as a 6*...she’s unawakened, but crazy powerful nonetheless.

  • TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
    Still torn - use on Ghost or wait for Medusa/Hyp/Aegon/Fury...

    I now have a both a mutant and science AG, so covered for Namor/Void/Cap IW...
  • LordRaymond3LordRaymond3 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    Wait for a more worthy champ, such as...
    While all those champs benefit being awakened, none of then NEED it to be "god tier"
    Save generics for those who need it to be amazing (i.e Void, Cap IW, Fury, Aegon)
    Star Lord is the most reasonable option there, but he's fallen behind in the game I think. Aegon and Guilly '99 both seem better than him in long fights.
    If you need a LOL champ, use it on Star Lord, but if you're not desperate right now, save it
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    If you need AAR, go AA. If you don't, go Ghost.
  • TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
    Etjama said:

    If you need AAR, go AA. If you don't, go Ghost.

    I have Doctor Voodoo at Rank 4, so I’m kinda covered for AAR, I guess?
  • TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
    I wonder, is there anyone here who has experienced Ghost pre and post awakening?
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    I would use it on ghost...i mean ghost is a beast of a champ and her dupe makes her even better,why wait for a potential pull which u can either get tomorrow or a year from now when u can awaken her and take her to r5 and use her for stuff like LOL and v3 and get even more resources for future champs
  • TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
    No clear majority. That’s what I was afraid of. I’m still torn. Reckon I’ll just sit on it.
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