Would you pay 15,000 units for a 6* Scarlett Witch?

Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 927 ★★★
I'd pay 15,000 units for a 6* Scarlett Witch. I'd even pay that for an awakened 5* Scarlett Witch.

Would you pay 15,000 units for a 6* Scarlett Witch? 180 votes

Yes, I would pay 15,000 units for a 6* Scarlett Witch
GamerVdh2008DalBotRagamugginGunnerhurricantthetaman23SCZCarmel1BendyLeNoirFaineantSatsuiNoHadouHaji_SaabArrsssChovnerDrake2078TerraUncle_Fatty_247ReeseSmith14ExHavokDOKTOROKTOPUS 85 votes
No, I would pass on it
DAVIDTHBigPoppaCBONEdanielmathSnakeEyes69ShrimkinsThe_OneWorld EaterJestressCarnage313LeftTurnAlbqrqeINTEGRALzuffyTheBennyXNanoDroidSpeedbumpAlex13369adramelchSaielMityAntLvernon15 95 votes


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  • Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2019
    I woudn't buy a 6 star that requires a dupe.
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    Yes, I would pay 15,000 units for a 6* Scarlett Witch

    i would pay 15.000 units tu dupe the 1*

    Agreed! Silver for my 1*! Take my money!
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  • Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    edited November 2019
    Yes, I would pay 15,000 units for a 6* Scarlett Witch
    Obviously it's too late to clarify, but I meant to say....if today's 6* Vision offer was the same for Scarlett Witch including buying her for the 15,000 units then the awakening offer is unlocked.
  • Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    edited November 2019
    Yes, I would pay 15,000 units for a 6* Scarlett Witch
    And yes, it may take a while to collect signature stones to raise ability. However her nullifying ability, and her massive sp2 damage would be worth it for me.
  • Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    Yes, I would pay 15,000 units for a 6* Scarlett Witch

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  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,841 ★★★★★
    No, I would pass on it
    15,000 units = $483.87 usd

    Tough choice .... pixels of SW or monthly car payment ?
  • Camby01Camby01 Member Posts: 572 ★★
    I used a 3* sw to complete most of act 4, even with 12.0 nerf she is sick as hell. I did act 4 pre nerf. She is the OP of the OP (awakened).
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    Yes, I would pay 15,000 units for a 6* Scarlett Witch

    I'm really confused on why people say they would get her. I mean, even if money wasn't an issue at all it would take potentially forever to get her to max sig.

    If we take og vision as the theoretical baseline here, she would also only be available through an offer, therefore there would be no chance to naturally get her sig up.

    You would rely on infrequent and expensive 6* sig stone offers to slowly get her sig up.

    Is that not a factor for you folks? Maybe I just don't know how great she is lol.

    Really interested in your thoughts.

    I can honestly say that my response is firmly in the camp of “ill never have that many units, so I can answer in any ridiculous fashion that I want.”
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  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Yes, I would pay 15,000 units for a 6* Scarlett Witch
    Being FTP I wouldn't buy the units. I don't have 15k units ATM but I have before and will again. If I had the units I would get a 6* SW without a second thought.
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  • edited November 2019
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  • AssumedNameAssumedName Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    No, I would pass on it
    Drake2078 said:

    I'd pay 15,000 units for a 6* Scarlett Witch. I'd even pay that for an awakened 5* Scarlett Witch.

    It’s only tempting with an awakening gem and some sig stones.

  • KattohSKattohS Member Posts: 728 ★★
    No, I would pass on it
    I pass simple because the 4* version that I have hardly triggers anything but power drain (which drains your power as well) and weakness.

    The RNG of her buffs triggering just isn’t happening for me so I’ll pass
  • tkhan08tkhan08 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    No, I would pass on it
    15k units for queen of randomness...as much as I love her, I would pass.
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    If a 5* SW isn’t getting released due to her being to OP as a max rank 5*, imagine how OP she might be as a R3 6*.
  • AJXRXAJXRX Member Posts: 80
    if they tell me that few months prior I may grind arena all day for it. F2P have it hard man
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