Cap. Marvel Movie, Quake or Omega Red to r5?

I really need some advice on my second r5. Cap marvel is my favourite, but I'm very undecided between these.. Useful info:
- I finished act 5 100% and want to go for cavalier when I have saved enough units for the offer
- I have a generic AG and no one to use it on atm (OR, Starky and Nick Fury are already awakened, and I have a science gem if I pull a void or a cap beardo), so I'm tempted to use it on cap marvel
- I'm comfortable playing with Quake and I do use her a lot, even though the play style is not what I enjoy most
- I'm not considering Nick Fury right now because 1: he is only r3 and I think a r5 will serve me better than another r4 and 2: I find it really risky to play at 30% hp from fight to fight to use his whole potential
- variants: I have completed v3, 1st chapter in v1 and v2
- omega red is at sig 130. I don't have suicides and don't really want to at the moment because I don't do enough arena and don't like the idea of recoil

Cap. Marvel Movie, Quake or Omega Red to r5? 23 votes

Captain Marvel (movie)
ArcDeAngelusSpity68cAncAmODOKTOROKTOPUSKappa2gEtjamaAJXRXCage_1JohnHSPyrdaTP33Ibby 12 votes
TerraLvernon15LordRaymond3AleorWarHawk_Taz_1Desembra 6 votes
Omega Red
M1k0rinRakeYoungJustin2524H3t3rTheInfinty 5 votes


  • MoNsTeR_804MoNsTeR_804 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
    Is Cap Marvel awakened?
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    Save the gem. Rank up Quake.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Omega isn’t as good as the others without suicides, a good quake player can deal with 90% of 6.1
  • AJXRXAJXRX Member Posts: 80
    Captain Marvel (movie)
    It's a hard choice between Omega Red and Cap Marvel Movie. I would lean more into Cap Marvel because you already have a nick fury to synergise. I also agree with what you say about suicides, recoil sucks.
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  • SparkOfOriginSparkOfOrigin Member Posts: 3
    Thanks guys
  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
    Captain Marvel (movie)
    This is a really hard one, I have to say gem and r5 captain marvel
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Captain Marvel (movie)
    First of all, if you enjoy CMM the most and Quake the least, go CMM. Second of all, I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you're good with Quake, you won't get hit, so you don't need a higher health pool and her Aftershock doesn't get much of a boost from the rank-up. So while I think she is top 3 in the game, I don't think she's the best option to rank up. CMM on the other hand gains a lot from the Rank-up. But I would personally save the gem unless you use suicides or want prestige.
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