6 stars

What are your opinions on 6 stars? A lot of people are quitting the game because of it and I don't know why. Personally, I couldn't care less about 6 stars, since I only have 2 five stars. They have no effect on me, but I still don't understand why people are quitting
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Personally, I'm fine with them. Also, people quit playing the game by the hundreds or thousands every day. I doubt a materially significant number of players are going to quit because of the introduction of 6* champs. Every game change causes some number of players to quit. There's no way to avoid that because the people playing the game don't all want the same things. Even making no change at all would cause some number of players to quit.
A desperate attempt to generate revenue that has no real effect until probably mid 2018 is a rather lumbering version of desperation.
RoL used to be a challenge for someone to run through using a 3* champ, soon people will easily beat it with maxed out 5*s that are exponentially stronger. The same goes for acts 4&5..
It also puts the top players back at zero, after building their rosters to finally get the current top champs, they will once again be put into the prestige race, and forced to use scant resources on unduped 6*champs that they have been waiting to use on the 5*s they really like.
Really there is no end in sight, you can only take a handful of your current 5* roster up to 80% of it's potential rank, and now you will be forced to neglect the rest to use on 6* champs that you just hope to get a lucky pull from. Instead of reaching a peak in the game, we are just dogs chasing our own tails repeating the same content and same patterns over and over again.
At first I was excited about the idea, but now as I really think of the implications I feel less so. I know it will be years before I have a 5* roster that rivals my 4*s, and on top of that I've also got to worry about saving stuff for 6*s, which two years after release I still wouldn't have enough shards from duping to form one crystal, much less a dupe, of any 6* that comes out.
So maybe some more thought needs to be put into this,be it retroactive shards or some kind of conversion system or whatever, but this just feels like too much right now, almost like starting the game all over again with nothing. We may as well forget ranking up any of our favorite champs that are only available as 4*s, because we all know we will need those resources just to r2 a 6*.
End of rant.
That would be loads of fun. Finally 3* would have a purpose for all, even 2*. Could you imagine a 2* map that would put your alliance up against equally strong opponents.
I digress, instead giving us new content or improving the current events and AW they throw 6* into the mix.
Even next year when 6* champs come out will my alliance even have rank 4 5* by then? Maybe not. Does that mean we suck? No, we play mostly for fun. Some spend only a little bit of money while fewer still spend more. Some of us are finally getting rank 5 4*. So for most players like us it just made things a whole lot more difficult to have fun in this game. The events and story mode can be done at ones own pace, the AW and AQ will be brutal when they start getting replaced by rank 4 and 5 5*.and rank 1 or 2 6*.
Check this one and tell me why they closed it lol.........
You must be new to think that. They made way beyond what they expected in the first 6 months of the games release. They've been racking it in since and look how the game operates. The reason they announced 6* the way they did was cause of the frequent complaints of lack of communication.
People always complain about "support" and how they operate. They won't tell much else than what you already know. So satisfying experience is not something people believe this company cares about.
The games used to be full of bugs before than for a bit they had a smooth product, now it's full bugs, they release content with auto-evaders in it even though there is a major auto-evading bug.
You are neglecting the new phc for 200 units that gives 5* chance. Do you not think that there will be people popping those like candy to dupe 5* champs and accumulate 6* shards? The next 5 months is about building to the 6* champs. Those who want to have them when the time comes will have to ratchet up effort and spending or risk being left behind in the prestige wars at the top. That was my point
Now people feel lost and annoyed cause they feel they were enjoying the moment with their many 5/50 4* and rank 3 & 4 5*. Now they gotta start saving resources to rank up 6* when they come out. Some might be able to open more than 1 or 2 when they're released.
People are also unhappy cause they already spent 10s of thousands of dollars on this gane they way it was, now they'll have to spend more to keep winning. I know I don't get it either, I play without spending but to each thwir own.
Anyone been grinding for 3 days to get a new feature 3* to hopefully dupe with a crystal to get enough shards to hopefully dupe a 4* to get enough shards to finally get a 5*? Might as well have been.
Might not be so bad if grinding was fun but I've yet to meet anyone who just loves to grind.
And how much money was spent buying 4* crystals and the resources required to rank them up? Then that changed to resources for ranking up 5*s. Did anyone buy an Odin's for units to buy 3* crystals? I don't think so
The goal posts keep changing and you can't blame people for feeling like their past investment in time and/or money will soon amount to little worth and accordingly any future effort will have no value...But it's just a game and kabams primary objective is keep momentum going as long as possible and to attract more players whilst they can.
You win some you lose some but....(what?...Oh gotta go there's a nearby raid about to start)
Dropping by to ask that you move your discussions over to this thread here.
We want to keep your feedback and questions in one centralized location so that when our Game Teams check through they can view them. If we have a discussion open for every opinion then many will go amiss and we want to make sure that your thoughts and ideas are seen towards 6-Stars.