Cavalier prep

Now that I'm Elder's Bane, I can start looking ahead to becoming Cavalier. Below are my 5 and 6 stars. Am I ready for a Cavalier push? Should I rank up some of my other champs, or should I stop thinking about it and wait for better pulls?

I honestly don't see a counter for CB.
But you can probably at least start on 6.1.1 and work up from there. The first real show stopper is Crossbones in 6.1.5, and you might have the firepower to get past 6.1.4 and park there until you get a good option for CB.
The problem with Crossbones in 6.1.5 is he has biohazard and arc overload. So you need enough damage to beat his healing (which isn't hard, but does rule out a lot of lower damage champs) and you need something that can deal with bleed. And if you aren't aggressive enough you will hit into his block, which means poison, or let him heal too much, which means the fight will take forever, or you will push him to SP2, which you can't generally avoid fully which means you take a significant amount of damage.
That's sort of the quadruple problem to solve with CB, and it is really hard to do it without a bleed immune champ, something with super high damage that you can just whittle him away with (and possibly use a lot of revives) or something exotic like Quake.
You know your skill level. You know your champs. You know the paths that you face to get there.
How is anyone supposed to know if you are ready?
There are players who can do 10x what other players can do with the same champs.
How are your resources looking? Do you have decent counters for the bosses?
The very best way to know the answer to this question is to simply try. Go as far as you can, and then try again.
So for the most part, whatever you use has to be able to kill Crossbones without using SP2 or SP3 attacks, because SP1 is the only fully evadable attack. If you push him to SP2 or SP3 (so you can get SP2 or SP3) you're almost certainly going to get hit in the face with too much damage.
Account one - Ghost Rider ( Do Sp1 Fate seal before timer ends then timer will dissapear till 25% damage is done Quit fight after that and redo meaning 3-4 revives)
Account 2 - Corvus (3-4 revives)
Account 3 - Void style and Ghost Rider (2-3 revives)
Account 4 - Emma Frost Unduped 6* Rank 1 , just spam your sp1 to stay in diamond form. (No Revives)
You will have a hard time against CB, but then again you can beat him with chip damage.
Stack up on level 1 revives and go bananas on him.
You might want to stack up on some units though, in case sh*t hits the fan.
Its doable but dont punish yourself