R5 5* vs R2 6*

ParfanityParfanity Member Posts: 330
I'm kind of stuck on what to do. I need to complete 6.2 and do all the variants (haven't started any of them). I currently have 2 r5 5*s Captain Marvel Movie and Domino both dupped.

The champions I have to r5/r2 is:
5* dupped CAIW
5* dupped Iceman
5* dupped Stark Spidey
5* dupped Dr Voodoo
6* Corvus Glaive
6* Emma Frost

I know Corvus is the obvious choice but shouldn't I be focusing on expanding my r5s first since r2s cost 3 tier 5 basic instead of 2. Also Corvus is cosmic and I already have a Captain Marvel. The other factor that holds me from r2ing Corvus is Domino and CM are high crit champs should I be focusing on utility champs like CAIW. Either way what do you guys think I should upgrade. Thanks in advance

R5 5* vs R2 6* 23 votes

6* Emma Frost
TerraWayde0wilsonAleorFhfjghhggggjfhfjgMoNsTeR_804TheInfinty 6 votes
5* dupped CAIW
zuffyLvernon15ParfanityCtuchiklowlevelplayer 5 votes
5* dupped Iceman
superpuno 1 vote
5* dupped Stark Spidey
5* dupped Dr Voodoo
6* Corvus Glaive
SaiyanPeterQuillXxLoganTDCxXChampioncriticLordRaymond3Felipe2014Akkarin23LordSmasherOwl_0wlMorbidAngleNightbat216 11 votes


  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Honestly, I think it's between CAIW and Sparky. Seeing as you seem to be in low-ish supply of T5B, I'd say it's not worth the resources to R2 a 6 star. So either go Cap or Sparky depending on what content you want to go for.
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    6* Corvus Glaive
    If not, CAIW is awesome as well
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    6* Emma Frost
    Emma doesn't even need to be awekened, I believe. Immune pretty much to everything, hits hard, nice overall
  • ParfanityParfanity Member Posts: 330
    5* dupped CAIW
    I guess it should be Corvus he always wins
  • ParfanityParfanity Member Posts: 330
    5* dupped CAIW
    Looks like Corvus is winning
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