6 star ebony maw

Sburton670Sburton670 Member Posts: 53
I just got my first 6 star and it ebony maw. Gutted.is he good for anything except defence?


  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Not really. Only use i see for him is annoying corvus users on the hidden nodes in aw
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,668 ★★★★
    Hopefully the buff will increase Ebony Maws damage output and improve upon his falter, degen, and increase percentage of power steal ability scaling with signature level.
  • iRetr0iRetr0 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    He is getting buffed soon, hopefully he turns out much better than now, good luck.
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 760 ★★★
    I have Maw as a 6*. He’s not great but he’s not nearly as bad as his reputation. When he gets buffed I’m sure he’ll be very usable if not a superstar.

    Not every champ is going to be a superstar. I have over 50 6* and less than 10 that I’d ever take into any quest. If all the champs were equally amazing the game would be boring and Kabam wouldn’t sell crystals.
  • igorganniigorganni Member Posts: 15
    Well, he is one of the best options agains Hyperion and Vision Aarkus due to awesome power control\spam
  • mbracembrace Member Posts: 898 ★★★
    Actually, he’s not even good against Hyperion. The power drain is very low, and Hype will have another power gain up before you get a chance to heavy again.
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