Corvus Glaive and E.M.P. Modification

VobagVobag Member Posts: 6
could someone explain why does Corvus takes dmg from emp node? in his description says that he does not take damage from shock while glaive charges are active. im experiencing this issue in this month's side quest, and also in act 6.1.2 ultron boss.
thanks for the informatiob


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    E.M.P modification applies a passive shock which bypasses Corvuss immunity to shock "debuffs". For ex, Nebula applies shock debuffs on block, Corvus ignores those since it's a active debuff. EMP mod is a passive one which Corvus doesn't resist
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    "Corvus Glaive does not take damage from Cold Snap, Bleed and Shock Debuffs while his Immunity is active."

    Corvus isn't immune to the effects. He is only immune to the damage of those DEBUFFS.
    Which means that passive shock from the EMP node will still deal full damage on Corvus, since it is not a debuff. Additionally, any passsive bleed and passive coldsnap will deal damage to him as well
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