Another rank up/awakening advice post :)

Hey all! Looking for some advice on who I should focus my efforts on at the moment. As an idea of what content I have tackled, Act 5 is 100%, completion in 6.1 & 6.2. 100% LOL & variant 2, completion of V3. V1/3/4 exploration are what I’m focusing on next. I have 8 T5B, 23 T2A, two generic awakening gems, a generic 4-5 and a science 4-5. I also have over 300 generic sig stones that are in my stash at the moment. Sym Supreme is one that I for sure want to R5 soon, not sure about others. I also only have ~7-8 days to use my sig stones so that’s a priority. Gonna have one more shot at the 5* featured before they expire, fingers crossed for warlock/BWCV/Void/sunspot. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

You should see some of the champions gameplay videos and it also depends on who you personally enjoy playing!