problem with trial of reed Richards

so I'm fully exploring.on master. at boss fight against she hulk. got her down to 32% health and landed a 130 hit combo, her health bar didnt move. Then 206 hit combo and same. Died and went in with all the rest of my champs and still same . Bought 3 revives for this to just keep happening. What is the problem??? and how can this be fixed. I'm pissed I bout all those revives for no reason!!


  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    What are the nodes?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian

    so I'm fully exploring.on master. at boss fight against she hulk. got her down to 32% health and landed a 130 hit combo, her health bar didnt move. Then 206 hit combo and same. Died and went in with all the rest of my champs and still same . Bought 3 revives for this to just keep happening. What is the problem??? and how can this be fixed. I'm pissed I bout all those revives for no reason!!

    It is important to read the nodes, and not assume you can just power through them. She-Hulk has the Flux Dispersal node, which causes her to take 5% less damage from hits per charge, and she gains one charge per hit. So once you hit her twenty times she takes zero damage from your attacks that land. Hitting her with a heavy attack removes all the protection charges, so you need to use heavies to periodically reset these.

    She also has the Aegis node which makes her indestructible until you land two hits from heavy attacks. You would not be doing any damage at all until you cleared that as well.
  • daveyj_196_daveyj_196_ Member Posts: 442 ★★
    Flux dispersal. Damage reduces by 5% every time she takes a light/med hit. You need to hit her with a heavy, this then resets the flux and you start again.
  • Titan_slayerz84Titan_slayerz84 Member Posts: 19
    Frosty said:

    Doesn't she become immune to damage if you don't land a heavy attack?

    yes she does. I landed 5 heavies in a row
  • Hidden_KnightHidden_Knight Member Posts: 202
    Sigh... another person who didn’t read the nodes and goes on a rant about how it’s the games falt.
  • Secret_GamerSecret_Gamer Member Posts: 347 ★★

    Frosty said:

    Doesn't she become immune to damage if you don't land a heavy attack?

    yes she does. I landed 5 heavies in a row
    You also need to land Heavies when you hit her like 20 times. That's a different Indestructible that the initial 5 at the start of the fight.
    you can get 50000000 combo, without a heavy every 20 hits it's gonna be the same result
  • IcsGrecIcsGrec Member Posts: 919 ★★★

    so I'm fully exploring.on master. at boss fight against she hulk. got her down to 32% health and landed a 130 hit combo, her health bar didnt move. Then 206 hit combo and same. Died and went in with all the rest of my champs and still same . Bought 3 revives for this to just keep happening. What is the problem??? and how can this be fixed. I'm pissed I bout all those revives for no reason!!

    Hit her with a heavy and see the magic.
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    You need to hit her with a heavy every so often.
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    Always read the nodes and be sure to understand what they mean.
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