OML...CB counter?

Been waiting for months now to get a decent counter for crossbones (6.1.5) but so far I've only managed to continuously dupe my cyclops and Daredevil...oh and hulkbuster.
I recently pulled a 6* OML(didn't have him in any version higher than 3*) and I wanna know if after his buff he'll be able to take on crossbones successfully?
I recently pulled a 6* OML(didn't have him in any version higher than 3*) and I wanna know if after his buff he'll be able to take on crossbones successfully?
If I've done my calculations correctly, CB heals 57737 every 20 seconds (its over 5 seconds, but every 15 seconds and the timing seems to start after the heal, so it looks like 20 second cycle time) so that's 2887 health per second of averaged healing. ROL Winter Soldier has 547,774 health. If you dealt exactly 2887 dps, you'd kill WS in about 190 seconds, or three minutes ten seconds.
You need to deal damage significantly faster than that to kill Crossbones with OML. WS doesn't have SP3 so you don't have to worry about power control whereas CB does, and even his SP2 hits very hard. And this would only break even on healing: to kill CB you have to outdamage his heal and do damage on top of that. But you could run this experiment and see: if you take your 6* OML into RoL and test against Winter Soldier, you should try to see if you can bait SP1 consistently while still doing enough damage to kill WS in under three minutes, all while keeping your healing up most of the time (to deal with Biohazard bleeds).
If you can kill WS much faster than three minutes, and not break your heal too much, and not push WS to SP3, and not use any SP2 attacks in the process (you probably won't get any of those against CB due to power struggle) you might have a shot. There's no perfect test, but this might at least give you some idea.