Have you actually watched videos of how to play her? She’s probably the champion that needs the most practice in the entire game. Once you get her down though her damage output is insane and her phasing has great utility because you don’t need to block anything. Some people just can’t play with her, and that’s fine because she’s not at all easy, but I’d watch some videos and practise some more. If you can use her she walks through so much content.
I know how to play her it was super easy to learn I get through fights without being touched, it’s just usually when I phase the computer will move back and wait into phase is done and it just makes the fight longer also her damage just hasn’t looked that much to me. But yah she is super easy to play
@Crazy_Jamie shes so easy to play. Literally people keep overhyping how hard she is to get the hang of. Took me about 5 minutes. And the hardest to play? Please. Quake has a much higher skill cap, as do champs like invisible woman and taskmaster. Quake and IW are literally the hardest to get the hang of and require immense skill.
I’m happy for you that you mastered her in five minutes, but you’re an outlier, and one person finding it easy to get to grips with her doesn’t make her an easy champ to learn. She’s hard to learn because she uses techniques that don’t match to other champs. For example, her phase intercepts require timing that no other champ uses. And that’s a basic technique when learning to play her. The fact that some people will find her easier to learn than others doesn’t change the fact that broadly speaking she is difficult to learn.
Quake and IW do require skill, but it’s fundamentally the same techniques as other champs, just at a higher level. I never had an issue with learning Quake personally, but then maybe I’m an outlier on that one.
She's very difficult to get right, and you can only practice her in harder content because the early game/arena AI is too passive to use her correctly. It's a whole different timing rhythm that you have to practice to get used to. I personally can't use her well. My duped 4* is sitting at 3/30.
First step is to watch videos and learn her techniques. There are a couple of specific ways to play her.
Also not sure your level but if you are not into mid act V and beyond type content she is harder to play as well because the AI is not as aggressive. Against passive AI she is not as friendly to play.
The other part is practice practice practice. Through playing you get the technique down and also learn how long you can hang in there with the timer. Once you get the hang of it she is fun to play because she doesn’t fit the same mold as the other characters and is interesting/fun to play.
Ok I know how to use her she was easy to understand the fact is the computer seems very passive whenever I use her they aren’t the same when I use other champs
First step is to watch videos and learn her techniques. There are a couple of specific ways to play her.
Also not sure your level but if you are not into mid act V and beyond type content she is harder to play as well because the AI is not as aggressive. Against passive AI she is not as friendly to play.
The other part is practice practice practice. Through playing you get the technique down and also learn how long you can hang in there with the timer. Once you get the hang of it she is fun to play because she doesn’t fit the same mold as the other characters and is interesting/fun to play.
I’m on 6.3 but haven’t tried her there yet, I mainly tried her in variant and rol
Ok I know how to use her she was easy to understand the fact is the computer seems very passive whenever I use her they aren’t the same when I use other champs
I use her on uncollected even master difficulty EQ, act 5,6 variant 3.
Please try to do incomplete combos and dash back. Hit 2-3 times then dash back. AI generally dashes at you or throw their special when you don't do full 5 hit combo.
@Crazy_Jamie shes so easy to play. Literally people keep overhyping how hard she is to get the hang of. Took me about 5 minutes. And the hardest to play? Please. Quake has a much higher skill cap, as do champs like invisible woman and taskmaster. Quake and IW are literally the hardest to get the hang of and require immense skill.
She’s easy to play well but difficult to play insanely
@Crazy_Jamie how are her phase intercepts hard to time? You literally wait for the opponent to hit you and retaliate. Ghost is such a chill champ for questing because he opponent does more work than you do. Playing champs like quake requires full attention and extreme skill. I can play ghost with one hand, but quake and IW are near impossible to play like that
Can said that’s can end op in parry I’m Hav got enuget of ghost in war cost to much when u get parry because of ai Hav insanity recovery time now day
Maybe it has already been pointed out but hall of heroes epic is a perfect place to practice with ghost...the ai is decently aggressive and u face act 5 level healthpools for a minimal energy cost
Ok I know how to use her she was easy to understand the fact is the computer seems very passive whenever I use her they aren’t the same when I use other champs
I use her on uncollected even master difficulty EQ, act 5,6 variant 3.
Please try to do incomplete combos and dash back. Hit 2-3 times then dash back. AI generally dashes at you or throw their special when you don't do full 5 hit combo.
Yah I know that I do 1-4 hits I realized 1 hit makes them more aggressive
Maybe it has already been pointed out but hall of heroes epic is a perfect place to practice with ghost...the ai is decently aggressive and u face act 5 level healthpools for a minimal energy cost
Yah I just used her and it was good she easily got through it all
@Nojokejaym Ghost Is Not Easy to use bro, Hard to learn how we use her perfectly ☺️ Here is Duplicate and un duplicate ghost Gameplay.Hope you enjoy Those Fights 😉
I'm slowly getting to grips with Ghost's gameplay. I'm sure I'm not playing her quite right yet but I'm definitely improving.
My big struggle atm is that I'm trying to use her without needing Wasp's synergy so I'm trying to get better at timing her Specials but I'm constantly throwing her specials into their blocks - so that's a WIP
I'm slowly getting to grips with Ghost's gameplay. I'm sure I'm not playing her quite right yet but I'm definitely improving.
My big struggle atm is that I'm trying to use her without needing Wasp's synergy so I'm trying to get better at timing her Specials but I'm constantly throwing her specials into their blocks - so that's a WIP
I don’t have wasp what you wanna do is wait for the computer to dash in then u wanna phase and use your special you have to do it like in one go and you’ll get it
@Nojokejaym Ghost Is Not Easy to use bro, Hard to learn how we use her perfectly ☺️ Here is Duplicate and un duplicate ghost Gameplay.Hope you enjoy Those Fights 😉
If you don’t play her optimally, she’s pretty easy to use. Use Ant-man for damage and Wasp to make life easier, build up charges by playing normally, dodge back when needed to shrug off debuffs, and throw specials for massive damage. I have been trying her on as much content as possible, and her damage output exceeds any other champ that I have available to compare to.
I know how to play her idk y people keep telling me how to lol, I was just saying I’m not impressed. I hate the fact that I need synergies for her to b at her best and the way people hyped her up I was expecting more
If you think you mastered her in 5 minutes, is just that: you think. See some videos how to just use one hit when fase, or use special in right moment of fase (it has to be in right moment and specially with wasp sinergy) and too to fase in right moment when debufs is apply. I have her unduped 5* and I am still learning by watching some videos. That's why my is still R3, because until now I died fast in more aggressive fights (like UC).
I know how to play her idk y people keep telling me how to lol, I was just saying I’m not impressed. I hate the fact that I need synergies for her to b at her best and the way people hyped her up I was expecting more
People keep giving you advice on how to use her because you seem not to be using her to her full potential. I'd suggest utilising her furies more via heavy countering/corner chaining if you find her damage not to your liking.
Quake and IW do require skill, but it’s fundamentally the same techniques as other champs, just at a higher level. I never had an issue with learning Quake personally, but then maybe I’m an outlier on that one.
Also not sure your level but if you are not into mid act V and beyond type content she is harder to play as well because the AI is not as aggressive. Against passive AI she is not as friendly to play.
The other part is practice practice practice. Through playing you get the technique down and also learn how long you can hang in there with the timer. Once you get the hang of it she is fun to play because she doesn’t fit the same mold as the other characters and is interesting/fun to play.
Please try to do incomplete combos and dash back. Hit 2-3 times then dash back. AI generally dashes at you or throw their special when you don't do full 5 hit combo.
Hard to learn how we use her perfectly ☺️
Here is Duplicate and un duplicate ghost Gameplay.Hope you enjoy Those Fights 😉
5star Duplicate :
6 Star unduplicate :
My big struggle atm is that I'm trying to use her without needing Wasp's synergy so I'm trying to get better at timing her Specials but I'm constantly throwing her specials into their blocks - so that's a WIP
I have her unduped 5* and I am still learning by watching some videos. That's why my is still R3, because until now I died fast in more aggressive fights (like UC).