Medusa auto-block & parry

What is the % of autoblock became parry?
Fight against Medusa in war and every autoblock was parry too.
+ Should she autoblock in the middle of my combos only?
Because only my first hits was blocked, when she was going backwards and I did medium.
Fight against Medusa in war and every autoblock was parry too.
+ Should she autoblock in the middle of my combos only?
Because only my first hits was blocked, when she was going backwards and I did medium.
So do a medium, and then dash back when she has 3 furies.
Her auto-blocks should (normally) just be somewhere in middle of your combo.
Although I wonder if you finish a combo and immediately start some more hits (instead of going into a block to parry her, or retreating yourself), whether that could be considered a continuation of multiple hits where maybe the 1st follow-up hit could indeed be auto-blocked ??? ie, using a long stun against her, finishing a combo and she is still stunned so you startup next one right away, like a long Ronan Stun ?
It was auto-block parry.
If there is auto-block, it is shown on displey.
Do not write off topic.
The people above me have given some well thought pout answers. Autoblock occurs when you are hitting the opponent, but they block without needing to recover. The timing of autoblock makes it always a “well-timed block” that will trigger parry. In a champ’s abilities, it will always say if autoblock triggers parry. Medusa’s does. Any player you fight in versus or alliance war will most likely have parry, and parry you when they autoblock. You will need a video of Medusa autoblocking your dash. Now, it seems that you were parried on your dash, not autoblocked.