Silver Surfer Immunities

This is what Galactus says when he makes the Silver Surfer, " To perform your task as my herald, Norrin Radd, you must become far more than merely a man I bestow upon you a portion of my own power cosmic You shall absorb boundless strength from the cosmos itself, needing no food to eat, no water to drink, and no air to breathe You shall be able to transmute the elements, and to heal others as well as yourself Cosmic bolts of awesome power shall be yours to hurl And neither the frigid cold of deepest space nor the blazing heat of the brightest star shall harm your shielded body Most importantly, I shall give you the means to travel faster than the fastest starship, so you may soar to the ends of the universe and beyond."

Read more:

So, how about the immunities for surfer in game?


  • Mystic_ManeMystic_Mane Member Posts: 46
    Agreed. Surfer is a solid champ but I definitely wish he was poison and bleed immune.
  • CainCain Member Posts: 559 ★★
    They have explained 13,508,650 times that this is separate and not based on comics and they aren’t going to change immunities. Please add this with iceman being cold snap immune and Dorm and GR bring incinerate immune
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★

    ... neither the frigid cold of deepest space nor the blazing heat of the brightest star shall harm your shielded body..

    Sounds like Incinerate and Coldsnap immunity to me. Nothing in there about poison.

    1- This is a different Silver Surfer, inspired by but not identical to the comic-book version.
    2 - That speech would make a far better case for giving Surfer a Regeneration effect than immunities.
    3 - Bits of that speech really make no sense, do they? Why would Galactus the world-devourer give Surfer the ability to 'heal others'?
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