Should some more characters be buffed
A lot of characters in MCOC are **** and need to be buffed, this is my list
Winter Solider
Iron Patriot
Captain and Ms. Marvel
Spider Gwen
Black Panther Classic
Winter Solider
Iron Patriot
Captain and Ms. Marvel
Spider Gwen
Black Panther Classic
There are other champs more in need of adjustments upwards than that list.
Hawkeye sp1 bleed and power steal are great combo. Especially with Deep wounds mastery
Guillotine is flippin awesome! Love using that Sp2 on heavy regen opponents.
For one thing Spidergwen was recently buffed. Secondly, several of the characters you mentioned are quite strong including Guillotine and Hawkeye. Even Black Panther classic hits really hard paired with strong bleeds when awakened.
Iron Patriot is just 'ok' and could probably use something to distinguish him from other iron-men though.
All in all giving each character unique niches is often the best way to cement them into a game. Otherwise it's a constant fight for most damage/regen/blocking ability or whatever it is.
I actually think Guillotine is a great example of this. She probably isn't the strongest in some categories, but when you want an anti healer she's your go to lady.
Spidergwen just needs her secondary mode fixed or removed and maybe a slight boost to her attack or some passive ability working with armour break.
There are probably more champs that need bugging but these are the 2 I want fixed.
She-Hulk need to be buff too.
Iron Fist may be my biggest pet peeve, but it's due to his specials. They have zero extra effects. No bonus damage, no armor break, no nullify like his heavy attacks (I agree that this ability is limited to what it can nullify but rightfully so). His s3 is literally using the iron fist and nothing?? I get that all attacks have a chance to boost crit rating, but if they don't crit, you're just getting a series of regular hits. I only use his s2 because I think it looks cooler than s1. Even Luke Cage specials can stun.
Of course, I'm also of the opinion that ALL s3 should have some (small) extra effect if they don't already.
Winter Soldier's signature needs a buff
Punisher's signature needs a buff
Joe Fixit needs a buff on his buffs
War Machine needs a signature change
Loki needs a signature change and passive abilities buff
Iron Man, Superior Iron Man, Hulkbuster and Iron Patriot needs a signature change and passive abilities buff
Hawkeye needs a variety of debuffs on his sp and probably increased critical rating and armor penetration
Ant Man's SP2 should deal more variety of damage based off type of ants rather than just poison
Gambit should deal shock damage from his kinetic charges
Iron Fist should have chi charges to give him regeneration and/or increased damage
Dr Strange needs a passive abilities buff
Spider gwen needs to change to her sp1 then i think she'd be good they upped her damage in 12.0
Iron patroit needs to have his sig changed and he needs to have higher base damage
The heroes that need to be buffed are those which are universally considered useless - heroes like Luke Cage, IP, MM KK, etc
No one rolls a five star Ms marvel or guillotine and considers quitting the game. They might even be a little excited. But till a luke cage, SG or IP and serious soul searching will begin...
Champs that need a BIG buff.
Ms Marvel KK
Luck Cage
Iron Patriot (No burn out)
Spider Gwen (SP1 should do damage)
Winter Solider
Carnage (He failed so bad...)
Champs that need a small buff (This may be a more personal list)
Doc Strange (But should NOT back to punches, look at my list above)
Netflix Daredevil
Iron Man
Gully (Needs to trigger bleed a little more often)
Champs that need to be un-nerfed
Scarlet witch
Champs that need new attack animations
Hawkeye (New multi-arrow SP2)
Doc oc (New heavy attack and SP1)
No No No Doc strange should stay where he is but better, I feal like he should be a almost as good replacement for scarlet witch
After a long while of complaining they buffed Rhino, Hulk, Punisher, Winter Soldier (twice).
They also buffed or adjusted Elektra (don't remember if her armor break existed when she came out), they adjusted Juggernaut and UC, there are others, I can't remember.