Who to awaken with my generic gem? Nick or CapIW

GamecodeOneGamecodeOne Member Posts: 87
I can’t make a decision. I have a fully maxed and awake 4* CapIW.... so I am not sure if the jump to the 5* which I can only bring to sig 80 is it worth.
Nick on the other hand I only have as 5 star. And could bring him to sig 80 as well.

Help my brain.

Who to awaken with my generic gem? Nick or CapIW 27 votes

Nick Fury
thetaman23TerraLvernon15RoOOtsSgtSlaughter78Cupid10or_StrongBattle_GreninjaDrBruceWayneFF10AngusMac279AlexAvalonChampSlayerYcatsPyrdaNightbat216TheToxicCactusTheNickster20PICKLE_RICK 19 votes
The_OneHaggis_ballsUncle_Fatty_247DoonxSociopathraf135MiStaLovaddom 8 votes


  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Can you survive multiple fights at less than 30% health or do you take a few hits or a bit of block damage during a fight?

    If it's the former go NF, if the latter go cap IW
  • GamecodeOneGamecodeOne Member Posts: 87
    Is nick fury also R5 worthy?
  • Battle_GreninjaBattle_Greninja Member Posts: 327 ★★
    Nick Fury

    Is nick fury also R5 worthy?

  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury
    CAP needs that sig 200, go for nick, also don’t put a single sig stone in nick
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