Human torch UC

Hey was wondering who you guys used/ best counter for the human torch in the last chapter of uncollected. I know mephisto would probably do the trick but I don’t have one ranked high enough to tackle this fight, only strong incinerate immune i have is a 3/45 Iceman, and trying to do it with him hasn’t been working out. Currently the only fight keeping me from completing this months EQ, any tips and help would be appreciated.
Do you have higher thank champ like rulk or night thrasher than iceman? If not just use iceman, boost and revive if needed
Personally, my solution to Human Torch is almost always, my duped r4 5* Crossbones... stack his furies and it reduces enemy defensive ability accuracy by 20% per fury, thus preventing human torch from even inflicting nova flames/incinerate. This also boosts your attack and makes the fight that much shorter and easier
Ps: He doesn’t have to be duped for this to work
Or use debuff shruggers/resistant, such as Crossbones, Agent Venom, Black Widow..
Or use Gulk to regen some of damage from the debuffs back..
Hope this helps.