AW Defenders kills points

Hey guys, I think there is something missing in alliance wars results ....
Not a single point for our Defender kills . Kabam should provide some points for our Defenders....
In alliance wars Defenders are as important as Attackers. So please kabam so some respect to our Defenders and provide some points for their kills....
There are a lot of revives and health potions for our Attackers but not a single for our Defenders...and if they kill someone then at least provide some points to them.
Please kabam take it as a suggestion and guys what do you think share your thoughts in comments......
If deaths cost points less people revive to try again
As it currently stands, there's a max point output an Alliance can get per war. If Defender Kills were counted as a separate metric, the potential point output limit would increase. Quite a bit, dependent upon how much those kills were worth. Not to mention the fact Diversity points would be rendered nearly useless in favor of a new metric that had far more point potential. As it currently stands many feel the point system is working just fine, as do I. I do not see Defense Kill points returning as a result. They'd do more bad than good.
Perhaps you should understand how AW Points work before complaining about it.
As referenced by others, each potential defender node (whether placed with defender or not) has a potential Attack Bonus of 240 Points (80 x 3). Each time your defender kills one of their attackers (up to 3 times max per node) you opponent’s LOSE OUT on 80 points each time from what otherwise would be the maximum Attack Bonus each side could get by exploring all nodes without suffering any defeats.
So Defender Kills is (basically) how you can determine the difference between Attack Bonus for each side (factoring out any kills above 3 on any given node).