Elektra is bugged

Elektra is supposed to land armor breaks against bleed immune but sometimes it just says "immune" and you get no debuff. It happens randomly. I haven't isolated any pattern or specific champ yet - but it's happened against guys like Luke Cage, Dormammu, Colossus etc. Please investigate. She's one of my favorite champs.
Think of it like this.
The bleed failed so the die was rolled again to armor break
Well if that's true... I suppose that might make sense - but I have no way of knowing whether it is true. And considering the low incidence of armor break occurrence when this behavior happens I feel like something is wrong. 70%-100% chance is not small.
I've had Elektra a long time - It never used to happen and I feel I used to armor break more after her rework when they gave her the ability to begin with.
I almost never use her L3. I'm going to test that against bleed immune next chance I get. That's 100% chance armor break. If that doesn't work then she's definitely bugged.
Exactly. Gonna test this more when I can.
I have some questions. How many stacks of Bleed can you put on an oppnent with Elektra?
Did they recently cap it or was it always at 2?
I experienced a weird bug while facing Rhino in the AQ, I have encountered this problem with other champs while using Elektra. I have a Samsung S6, latest OS version.
Whenever the oppnent has 2 stacks of bleed, the next special will cause Bleed (on the first instance) to appear on screen but it doesn't go to 3 or reset the current timer, the second instance of bleed resets the timer and it stays at 2.
Based off this, with enough time I should have caused 4 stacks of bleed. Is this a bug, a cap that always was, or a nerf?
Can someone point me to the right direction if this has been talked about before? Please and thank you.
That's a good question but I've never gotten more than 2 stacks of bleed with Elektra. Based on your observation, I'm thinking there's a hidden cap. I know X-23 has a hidden cap of 5 bleed stacks (not counting suicides). Have you tried Elektra against an opponent running suicides? I would think you should be able to get 3 stacks in that instance.
It would still be interesting to see. The problem is I don't know who to test it on. In the mean time I hope she get her immune instead of armor break fixed and we get official word on her bleeds.
If anyone has anything more to add, please do.