Is this even logical?

I’m fully aware it doesn’t say it but how is Nick Fury’s second medium not a non-contact hit? It’s a point-blank shot to the body but no physical contact between the two champions. Same thing can be said for his last light attack as well
It doesn’t make sense to take static shock damage from this unless the gun was actually touching the opponent.
If you have any constructive disagreements towards this I would like to see them. Just don’t bring up the, “It’s their game” reply because that’s not a good argument.

It doesn’t make sense to take static shock damage from this unless the gun was actually touching the opponent.
If you have any constructive disagreements towards this I would like to see them. Just don’t bring up the, “It’s their game” reply because that’s not a good argument.

If they are projectile attacks, they shouldn't trigger static shock. If they aren't, it totally should trigger static shock.
Domino medium caught me off gaurd a few times like that
Complaining about this or thinking this is especially weird in a game is like complaining that the horsey in chess can jump over castles even though no horse can jump that high.
So only champions that do "invisible hits" will get 0 damage from static. So Emma Frost Specials and Scarlet Witch Special 2 are the ONLY source of damage that will not generate static shock. Since they are invisible and do not ACTUALLY hit the target.
I genuinely hope you are trolling, otherwise you look like a player who started a week ago but talk like you've played for years.
Kabam Logic? Ding ding ding!
Dont beleive me go grab a knife and start swinging it at live electric currents. If you take no damage I'll retract my comment
Edit: in the OP he's clearly firing his gun. Therefore it's a projectile and shouldn't trigger static shock 🤔
I dont play fury much but that's just common sense logic.
Claiming that the visual appearance of attacks should always match the physics of the attacks is simply a line of thought that doesn't work for video games. And anyone who is intellectually honest would also be asking how players could evade projectiles that seemingly go right through the player, or how explosions somehow completely avoid hurting the player if they just happen to be moonwalking backwards at the instant the detonation happens. Because I don't think that's how physics works either.
Melee attacks use hitbox mechanics. Projectile attacks use projectile mechanics. Fury's medium is a melee attack, which you can determine because you have to intersect hitboxes for the attack to work. What it looks like is irrelevant. The designer's job is to make the character implementation work, the animator and visual effects artists' jobs is to make it look cool. Sometimes what they make doesn't precisely reflect real world physics. Since nothing really does in video games, and since nothing really does in the comic book source material, this is probably not a really big priority.
This is a game. Not real life and real physics.
Otherwise how can nick revive? You can say he is a robot but I never see the robot disappear.
How can he defeat a superpowered villain being he is only a human agent?
Hell. If this is real, maybe he should automatically die because if you go touch an electrical cable I’m sure you don’t just get 40% of the strength you hit it with back.
How can blade parry a projectile and cause bleed across the screen?
Both need to be fixed based on logical reasons
Unless were talking he splits the bullets or ricochet them back at the enemy.
But then it wouldnt work if say cyclop fires an energy beam.
Blade needs this ability removed
Nick Fury uses a gun to shot his opponents. How can it make him contact to them in any explainable way?
The rest of this about intersecting hit boxes and projectiles doesn’t even make sense given we have Havok, IMIW, Yondu, Domino, Maw, etc who all use projectiles in their melee attacks.
The audio for the ending light attack is a distinct gunshot, BTW.
I made peace with NF being strictly contact basic attacks long ago but reading your logic behind this just doesn’t jibe with how the game can/does work.
Sure NF is so bad ass he punches you with the gun as he fires, cool. But given how the game can/does function it’s not insane to question what’s happening and your explanation sure doesn’t make it any easier to accept; well maybe on Kashyyyk it does...
I do however know enough to say you are completely wrong in the explanation due to how the game evidences the contrary in multiple instances. It’s not a projectile because it isn’t defined as one by the game; in spite of the fact it can do so.
It is for the same reason that I've adjusted my language to say "there's no such thing as a Passive Debuff" even though the game literally has a tag called "Passive_Debuff" because that can only confuse players. It is better if people are told that there are Passives and there are Debuffs and there's no intersection between the two, even though technically this is a lie. It is an extremely important simplification (otherwise, I would have to explain that PassiveDebuffs are neither Passives nor Debuffs).
Anyone aware of the implementation details would understand that simplification is necessary here, unless you want to spend dozens of pages explaining very deep mechanics before talking about whether an attack hits like a melee attack and is affected by strike back mechanics or hits like a projectile and generally (but not always) behaves as it it had more than melee range.