Road to a Million Acorns Milestone Rewards

The squirrel store is a great concept, and the Road to a Million Acorns is amazing, but rewards in Road to a Million Acorns are largely limited by your story progression. For example, If you are Conquerer, you will not be able to get the 5,000 5 star shards you get when you reach 350,000 acorns. With Conquerer, you can only reach 342,000 acorns, falling just 8,000 short of the title and the rewards. What I request is that there be a few more items for Conquerer so that we can reach that rewards, as Act 5 is extremely hard to complete without sufficient 5 star champions.
TL;DR : More items for the Conquerer Squirrel Store, so we can reach the 350,000 milestone in Road to a Million Acorns Solo Event.
TL;DR : More items for the Conquerer Squirrel Store, so we can reach the 350,000 milestone in Road to a Million Acorns Solo Event.
Play Acornucopia, it gives you a lot of acorns.
This is how it should...
Practice more.
Absolutely agree! Same with those like us who are Proven, basically all those who haven't completed Act 5.2. If more items aren't added for us, there's no motivation for us to collect acorns. I've already requested Support by email and they've shared my suggestion with the contest team. Fingers crossed!
Practicing more is great, but a duped 5* Corvus sure does make many of us players much, much better.
Act 5 WAS done by majority of the veterans with 4*s and a couple of 5* R4s, BEFORE Corvus was even introduced into the game. It’s not extremely hard, just challenging.
Saying that, “hard” “challenging” are subjective terms, and that basis of subjectivity is skill. Work on your skills and change “extremely hard” into “challenging”, get better, and it’ll be “easy”.
Yes, Act 5 WAS done by a bunch of veterans, many openly admitting to using lots and lots and lots of revives and units. If you suck so bad at the game that you need potions, then it's clearly "very hard". Just imagine what it's like for those of us playing 2 years and still can't beat Act 5.3 because we don't want to spend hundreds or more on units for potions. We suck REALLY bad.
Translation: The game is absurdly difficult. The content seems to be just hard enough to entice you to cough up a few bucks to get to the next level in your progression.
Yup... clicked on the crystal and added another, cost is 15,260. Whew! if I was short 72 acorns as someone else mentioned, I'd have been PO'd.