Game incompatible with Android 8.0
Android 8.0 update was officially released yesterday. I received the update on my Nexus 6p today. The game keeps giving errors about storage capacity and will not open after update. Already tried uninstall/reinstall of game.
We are supposed to wait for Kabam to tell us when we can update our phone? Nope...
Thats not how it works
That's how it works everywhere. You check for compatibility before upgrading operating systems, or you lose compatibility and you complain about it and nobody cares. True for Android, true for iOS, true for Windows, true for every operating system.
@Kabam Commish
@Kabam Spice
@Kabam Iko
You gotta get your facts right. The source code of upcoming OS is released well ahead of launch for the developers to make their applications compatible on the actual public release. If the app is incompatible after public release of the OS, its the developer fault not the company which released the OS or the user who updated. I have always seen that top rated apps in store never get the compatibility issues on new OS launch because they either get an update near before/ immediately after the new OS launch to maintain the compatibility. @DNA3000
He has his facts perfectly right. And so do you. You are correct when you say that Kabam has screwed up by not having their game ready for the latest Android OS. But he is correct when he says it's your fault for not checking first. Now you are at the mercy of Kabam's development team. It might be fixed today, or maybe next week, or maybe next month. That's always the price you pay when you try to be leading edge.
All the major apps are compatible because of that, and now people in here blame the user for updating their phone?
Checking for compatibility before updates may be an issue for some niche small app, but it's an embarassment to have to do it on an app with such a big user base.
Come on, it's 2017...
I'm going to make some guesses here.....Kabam user base is probably about a 70/30 split between iOS users and Android users. And we know that only 13.5% of current Android users are using 7.1 OS. Since 8.0 only came out yesterday we can be fairly sure that only maybe 1-2% have moved over to it. So we are talking about somewhere in the neighborhood of 0.6% of the MCoC userbase being affected.
0.6% too many as far as I'm concerned.
A game and company of this size should have no compatibility issues with new updates
Dev preview been released half a year ago, and despite potential low number of users affected, the big developers made their apps compatible in time. Which doesn't mean it's optimized yet, but at least it's working and they can work from there on forwards.
Kabam couldn't even be bothered to make it compatible in this timeframe, let alone make further optimizations after it's compatible, when the newest version has reached a wider distribution.
That's why iOS has beta programms, that's why Android has beta programms, that's why beta programms exists. It's the same of Metal usage on iOS, but not Vulkan, the Android equivalent. They might as well stop the Android version when they are so lazy about it.
Yes but when the newest iOS goes live 70% of all iphone owners upgrade on day one. So MCoC would lose 50% of their player base if they weren't ready.
Problems that affect 50% of the userbase are treated with a much higher degree of importance than ones that affect only 0.6%. You could argue that the evade bug, or Nightcrawler block bug impacts more of the player base and therefore would get prioritized over any Android 8.0 issues.
does kabam respond to ANY issue?
I'm curious as to where your iOS vs android numbers came from. Everything I've seen is always around 80/20 in favor of Android globally. With this being a global game and android being superior (general view) as gaming devices, id expect at least that 80/20 android split here as well.
That would mean any android version updates would be very meaningful to the company and player base.
The responded quickly to summoners getting extra rewards. I've seen people who are on fire respond more slowly to the heat than Kabam did on that.
Yeah it looks like their priority for Android is pretty low, baffling seeing the sheer number of Android devices around, which is why doubt your 70/30 split, but well, it's only a guess anyway.
And seeing how Kabam can't get their game run well, or at all, on clean AOSP Android doesn't bode well for the performance on future manufacture builds. Well the performance now isn't any better, most likely the result of their slow reaction to the last update cycle, and they keep repeating that behaviour, though the numbers still haven't changed.
I stand by my statement that with this treatment of Android they might as well stop it and save those resources to have a better running game on iOS.
The general view is more in favour of iOS in regards of gaming, but mostly because unlike on iOS where devs make use of tools like Metal to optimize their games, they are usual lazy about it when it comes to their Android versions, though the same tools are available for that platform too, and this game is a prime example of it.
There are plenty of more graphic intense games around to proof that it's possible to have a game run just as well on both OS, it all comes down to how the dev wants it.
Devs prioitizing iOS most likely because it makes more money, since Apple customers have a looser wallet as they already willing to pay premium for the Apple name, or so the interpretation of most studies I've seen.
As I said I'm just making guesses. My reasoning is that this game is runs better on iOS. You virtually can't get a Legends title without an iphone. I've seen numerous posts of people who have switched to iPhone simply because of this game.
And I think you are mistaken saying that Android are the superior gaming devices. With a fractured OS developers have always shied away from prioritizing Android development. More than 50% of Android devices are running Lollipop or older. The number of mobile gamers looking to play graphic intense games like MCoC are probably pretty low in that group.
Maybe I am mistaken about gaming devices, as someone else pointed the same out. I usually hear how much more powerful android devices are and people get them for that reason. I thought that would mean people prefer android for games. I'm on iOS and always have been. Agree on Legend tags, though you still have to be current gen iOS for that as well.
Anyone running android 8.0 can confirm if the game works on it or not?