Who should I max out first 5* Rank 5

Hi guys I almost have all the required items to Rank up a 5* champion to max out. But I dunno who should I choose
I would like to header from you which one will help me to complete act 6.

I would like to header from you which one will help me to complete act 6.

top contenders based on your roster (in no order) i would say:
and Omega red / hyp if you dupe them
magik is still a solid choice, but shes starting to fall behind other mystics in terms of damage and utility, but if you can play her well and chain SP2s she can definitely clear a lot of content and make life easier for you
VTD is a solid choice. Lots of damage, good utility. If you can awaken AA he would get my vote.
considering you dont dupe and have to rank now imo do SS. he is not the best first r5 but it is totally worth it as r5 (I have and happy)
So right now it should be a consideration between:
SS / magik or stealth suit thing Hyperion and omega red?
2. Magik or Hyperion
3. Thing or VTD or Stealth Spidey
If not Magik is a great option. Her power control will take you far. She might not be dominant in act 6 but through act 5 she’s great.
Do not r5 unawakened AA or Void. Do not rank SymSupreme as your first r5...5th, great but he’s too niche to be your main weapon.
Gulk and VTD are great if you’re ok with RNG.
Who is Gulk??
If I can awake void or AA it’s a better option?
I got Medusa yesterday does she better option or I should choose Hyperion?
What about omega?
Btw I have complete 6.1.1 and almost pass 6.1.2
I think now I had to choose between
Void, magik, OR and Hyperion